user to object - Preethi-Ayyamperumal/Ayyamperumal-Preethi-webdev-project GitHub Wiki
Use case 1: User Reviews a product
user logs in as alice
user clicks on a product in home page taking her to product detail page
In product detail page, on top right, user can click 'Add Review' link
it will take user to review page, where user can add and save review
to edit a review, alice goes to her profile page
click 'Your Reviews' link and reviews page with edit capability will be loaded
Use case 2: User adds product to his/her cart(persistent across logins)
user logs in as alice
user clicks on a product in home page taking her to product detail page
In product detail page, on top right, user can click 'Add to Cart' link
it will take the user to cart page, where the product will be already added to her cart.
alice can choose to checkout, or continue shopping or logout
cart will have the product until after checkout and succesfully placing order
Use case 3: User adds product to his/her wishlist
user logs in as alice
user clicks on a product in home page taking her to product detail page
In product detail page, on top right, user can click 'Add to Wishlist' link
it will take user to wishlist page, where the product will be already added to her list.
to remove a product from the list, user can use 'remove' glyphicon across each product
In Profile page, alice can click 'Wishlist' link and can add/view/remove products
Use case 4: User adds multiple addresses to his/her shipping addresses
user logs in as alice
Click 'Profile' link in home page
Clicking 'Addresses' loads the address page of alice. It lists all the addresses of alice. One of the addresses can be set as Default Address. first entered address will be set as the default address by default.
using 'Set as Default' link default address can be changed
alice can add multiple addresses through "plus" glyphicon at the top right
alice can edit/delete addresses by clicking 'edit/delete' link on each address thumbnail
Use case 5: User adds multiple cards to his/her payment methods
user logs in as alice
Click 'Profile' link in home page
Clicking 'Payment Methods' loads the payment page of alice. It lists all the cards of alice. One of the cards can be set as Default payment. First entered card will be set as the default card by default.
Using 'Set as Default' link default card can be changed
alice can add multiple cards through "plus" glyphicon at the top right
alice can edit/delete cards by clicking 'edit/delete' link on each payment thumbnail