Tips - PreCyz/GitDiffGenerator GitHub Wiki

Here you can find some useful tips and hints.

  1. If program is executed with command line parameters and applicationProperties.json file at the same time, then setup from command line has higher priority. Unless, preferredArgSource is set to FILE, then applicationProperties.json has higher priority.

  2. Generated file name by default is year-monthName-week-weekNumber.txt. If diff is generated with end date set in the past then diff file name is year-monthName-startDate-endDate.txt.

  3. If parameter itemFileNamePrefix is set then its value is added at the front of the file name. File name (without extension) is used also as the title of the toolkit item, that is created.

  4. You can pass some parameters command line way and other applicationProperties.json way. For instance, if you don't want to set your password in applicationProperties.json, you can pass it as command line param.

  5. When application is executed with itemType = TOOLKIT_DOCS, then item file is a zip file. It is because there could be more then one document created or changed by the user.

  6. In order to execute the application from the IDE for Java 11+ use the following as VM options:

-p {PATH-TO-JAVAFX-SDK}\lib --add-modules=javafx.fxml,javafx.controls,,javafx.web,javafx.swing --add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED