Main window - PreCyz/GitDiffGenerator GitHub Wiki

The main window is the hearth of the UI. From here you can:

  • go to every corner of the application,
  • execute item generation,
  • manage the configurations,
  • set Toolkit credentials.

This is the reflection of all parameters that are defined in the Gipter application. You should know how to set them.

Very important rule is that whenever you change something you must save the changes!
Otherwise, your settings will be lost!

Here is how the window looks like:

Main window

Main window is organized in 3 different sections:

  1. Toolkit credentials,
  2. Managing configs,
  3. Action buttons.

Toolkit credentials

Toolkit credentials

In this section you can manage your Toolkit credentials. Once you set the username and password then you can verify if the value you entered are valid. To do so, press blue link with label Verify your credentials.

Managing configs

Here you can manage your configurations. This section is devided into smaller subsections.


Configuration section

Here you can add, change and remove the configuration. To add new configuration just enter the name and press Add config button. To remove the configuration, choose form the combobox the one you want to remove and press Remove config button. You can switch the configurations by selecting the one you want to manage from the combobox.

Paths details

Paths details

In this section you can enter the name of your copyright item. You can enter your custom name or mix your custom name with predefined patterns. The list of patterns can be found on Custom item name page. This section also contains possibility to add the paths to your project and the path where you generated copyright item should be stored locally. To do so press Change buttons. One is for setting the project paths and the other one is for storeage location.

CSV details

CSV details

In this section you set control system version details. You enter the name of the user that you use to commit changes to the repository. Also, here you can choose what type your item should be. If your item is type of TOOLKIT_DOCS, then you are allowed to enter proper toolkit list.

Time frame

Time frame

In this section you enter provide the start and end dates. The copyright item will be generated for give time period. Here you can find also the checkbox. This check box is available only then, when your toolkit credentials are set and valid. Once the checkbox is available, you can select it to calculate the start date for your new copyright item. In that case the start date will be the date when you uploaded your last copyright item.

Additional settings

Additional settings

Here are some extra features. These settings depend on some other settings like item type. You can play with them as much as you can.

Action buttons

Action buttons

With above buttons you can do as follows: Execute - generates and uploads copyright item for the current configuration.
All-in - generates and uploads copyright items for all defined configurations.
Job - opens hib window.
Exit - terminate the application.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️