Reporting - Pranav-SA/thesis-support-examples GitHub Wiki

How to create reports for chaos experiments?

Whilst running the chaos experiment make use of the --journal-path argument. For example:

chaos run experiment.yaml --journal-path experiment-journal.json

To create a report, we need to install quite a few dependencies, which can be tricky to install. We can skip trying to figure out all the dependencies we need to install and configure. Rather, we can run a container. To be more precise, we can run a process to create a report through Docker.

docker container run \
    --user $(id -u) \
    --volume $PWD:/tmp/result \
    -it \
    chaostoolkit/reporting \
     -- report \
     --export-format=pdf \
    experiment-journal.json \

The above example makes use of chaostoolkit/reporting image to create a report.pdf

For combining multiple experiment journals into one:

docker container run \
    --user $(id -u) \
    --volume $PWD:/tmp/result \
    -it \
    chaostoolkit/reporting \
     -- report \
     --export-format=pdf \
    experiment-1.json \
    experiment-2.json \