ICP5 - Pranathi-07/WebMobile_spring2021 GitHub Wiki
Web ICP5(Angular)
Name : Pranathi Nalluri
Student ID : 16301706
Task 1:
Develop a basic to-do-list application using Angular (not AngularJS)elements,which are discussed and used in Use Case
Created a To-Do component which takes an event name as input and displays it in the To-Do list with edit, delete and complete options with the status display. There are different functions for each task on each event called when there is an action performed on the event.
Task 2:
Develop a basic countdown timer application using Angular (not AngularJS)elements discussed and used in Use Case
Here to develop this task initially we set the timer to empty unless we give any input or the if the date entered is less than the current date. This function is called for every 1sec. Math is done to calculate all the days, hours, minutes and seconds.