Lab 2 - PrakashRavella/Python_DeepLearning GitHub Wiki
Lab ID-1 1.Rajeshwari Cholleti, Class Id-8
2.Anusha Palla, Class Id-7
3.Jaya Prakash Ravella , Class Id-28
Introduction This lab Assignment includes the Data Analysis, Data Exploration ,Cleaning of the data , Handling the missing values and predicting some results using various Machine Learning Algorithms. The Natural language process has also been used to understand various text analysis concepts.
The Dataset we used in completing the Lab Assignment was:
we have loaded the data into variable and applying the basic
Applying the Naive Bayes and KNN and Svm Classifications on the data
We have taken the data and we have removed the null columns
By the K means Clustering we apllied on the data
silhouette score for the clusters
Conclusion : We have Learned more about cleaning the data machine Learning algorithms and NLTK Toolkit