LAB 3 - PrakashRavella/Python_DeepLearning GitHub Wiki

Lab ID-5

1.Rajeshwari Cholleti, Class Id-8

2.Anusha Palla, Class Id-24

3.Jaya Prakash Ravella , Class Id-28

1.1. Build a Sequential model using keras to implement Linear Regressionwith any data set of your choice except the datasets being discussed in the class or used before We have used the Heart.csv data set

2.Implemeting Logistic Regressionon on Heart Disease UCI Dataset

we have created model on heart dataset

we can see in the tensorboard that we have the accuracy is 84 percent

After changing the three hyperparameters the accuracy has been increases to 89

we have got the accuracy of 98 percent by traing with monkey species images

we have loaded the training and test data

we have used the CNN classification