Kubernetes Dashboard - Prabhueswaran/K8s GitHub Wiki
Configure Kubernetes Dashboard
Clone the file from repo:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-dashboard-deployment.yml
To verify the Namespace, run:
kubectl get namespace
To verify the Service, run:
kubectl get service -n kubernetes-dashboard
To verify the Deployment, run:
kubectl get deployment -n kubernetes-dashboard
To verify the Pod, run:
kubectl get pod -n kubernetes-dashboard
Once Everything created successfully get the kubernetes-dashboard service nodeport and master node IP and browse with any browser.
To get the token run the below command and get the token for login to the dashboard.
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep ${SA_NAME} | awk '{print $1}')
Copy the service token and past it in the dashboard and log in.
Now you can access the Kubernetes cluster using the Kubernetes dashboard.