Git Workflow - Pr0curo/thanote GitHub Wiki

The git workflow used in the thanote project is as simple as it can get. There are two main branches master and dev. You are not allowed to merge from any branch to master but from the dev branch.

To accomplish the development tasks you have the following possible branch names available:

  • feature_<..>
  • enhance_<..>
  • cleanup_<..>
  • refactor_<..>
  • fix_<..>
  • hotfix_<..>

always followed by the shortes possible desciption. Example: feature_tooltips. You can, after testing, merge these branches against dev. When time is right, dev can be merged against master and a new tag or release can be created, if that is desired.

The commit messages have to reflect what you have done, and what subsystem you have been working on.

A little more details can be found here