COBIT 2019: Podprtost cilja BAI06 Upravljane IT spremembe​ - PovseZan/testgit GitHub Wiki

Podprtost cilja BAI06 z github

Katere prakse cilja BAI06 so podprte s storitvijo GitHub in v kolikšni meri so podprte?


  • BAI06.01 Evaluate, prioritize and authorize change requests.
  • BAI06.02 Manage emergency changes.
  • BAI06.03 Track and report change status.
  • BAI06.04 Close and document the changes.

Orodja kot so github in gitlab v celoti podpirajo zgoraj napisane prakse

Katere metrike cilja BAI06 so na storitvi GitHub podprte samodejno?

  • Number and age of backlogged change requests
  • Amount of rework caused by failed changes
  • Percent of unsuccessful changes due to inadequate impact assessments
  • Number of review errors found in the documentation
  • Percent of user documentation and procedures updates performed in a timely manner