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What is SIPMeta

SIPMeta is a tool to create both normal and bullseye transformed average metaplots of Hi-C, HiChIP, or ChIA-PET data. This program is written in java with a helper python script and can be run on Linux, Windows, or MAC systems and includes either command line options or a graphical user interface.

Follow the links below to get started:

Citing SIPMeta

If you use SIP or SIPMeta, please cite us.

Rowley MJ, Poulet A, Nichols MH, Bixler BJ, Sanborn AL, Brouhard EA, Hermetz K, Linsenbaum H, Csankovszki G, Lieberman Aiden E, Corces G. Analysis of Hi-C data using SIP effectively identifies loops in organisms from C. elegans to mammals. Genome Research 2020.