Space Arm - Potateau/Space-Engineers GitHub Wiki

A script that lets you remote control a set of pistons, rotors, and hinges through normal ship movement inputs.

Script Link
In-Game Directory

Potential User Issues

The script will automatically rename any piston, rotor, hinge, or cockpit that it interacts with to contain the contents of the cockpit's custom data field.

Custom Data Configuration

Configuring Cockpits

Example 1:

spacearm 3

Example 2:

spacearm gun

Configuring Pistons

Example 1:

spacearm 3

Example 2:

spacearm 3

Configuring Rotors and Hinges


spacearm 3


Enter the sensitivity factor into the run argument of the programmable block. It takes any number. The pistons and rotors use the same sensitivity factor.