Cargo Display and Assembly - Potateau/Space-Engineers GitHub Wiki

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In-Game Directory
SubtypeId Reference

Potential User Issues

If at any time any of the assemblers on the grid have a queue then this script will not add anything to the production queue. This means queuing something and not having the ingots for it will halt all production.

Custom Data Configuration


  • Refer to .sbc files in SpaceEngineers\Content\Data for the subtypeId of items or the quick reference linked above for common component subtypeId's.
  • Ores and Ingots cause an issue since they share the same name. Include "ore" or "ingot" as a suffix in the filename to distinguish.
  • Stone and Ice are ores.
  • Hydrogen and Oxygen displays are custom. See in the example below for hydrogen; oxygen uses the same format. No display name functionality.
  • The "/" is necessary where shown.
  • The "=" is necessary for the automatic stock portion of the script to function, otherwise the script functions as an inventory display only.

Example Custom Data Text:
Steel Plate/Steel Plates=100000
Large Tube/Large Steel Tubes=1000
line break
hydrogen storage/
hydrogen capacity/
hydrogen tank count/

Example Custom Data Text:
Steel Plate/Steel Plates
Large Tube/Large Steel Tubes
line break
hydrogen storage/
hydrogen capacity/
hydrogen tank count/

Quick Reference Supported Items for Assembly

Display Name SubtypeId Blueprint SubtypeId Assembly Supported
200mm Missile Container Missile200mm Missile200mm Yes
25x184mm NATO Ammo Container NATO_25x184mm NATO_25x184mmMagazine Yes
5.56x45mm NATO Magazine NATO_5p56x45mm NATO_5p56x45mmMagazine Yes
Bulletproof Glass BulletproofGlass BulletproofGlass Yes
Canvas Canvas Canvas Yes
Computer Computer ComputerComponent Yes
Construction Component Construction ConstructionComponent Yes
Detector Components Detector DetectorComponent Yes
Display Display Display Yes
Explosives Explosives ExplosivesComponent Yes
Girder Girder GirderComponent Yes
Gravity Generator Components GravityGenerator GravityGeneratorComponent Yes
Interior Plate InteriorPlate InteriorPlate Yes
Large Steel Tubes LargeTube LargeTube Yes
Medical Components Medical MedicalComponent Yes
Metal Grid MetalGrid MetalGrid Yes
Motor Motor MotorComponent Yes
MR-20 Magazine AutomaticRifleGun_Mag_20rd AutomaticRifleGun_Mag_20rd Yes
Power Cell PowerCell PowerCell Yes
Radio-Communication Components RadioCommunication RadioCommunicationComponent Yes
Reactor Components Reactor ReactorComponent Yes
Small Steel Tube SmallTube SmallTube Yes
Solar Cell SolarCell SolarCell Yes
Steel Plates SteelPlate SteelPlate Yes
Superconductor Component Superconductor Superconductor Yes
Thruster Components Thrust ThrustComponent Yes
Zone Chip ZoneChip ZoneChip Yes
MR-50A Magazine RapidFireAutomaticRifleGun_Mag_50rd RapidFireAutomaticRifleGun_Mag_50rd Yes
  • all items are supported for display if you know the correct subtypeId