Terms - PoopCatcher/SI-Mahjong-Cheatsheet GitHub Wiki


This page contains a short list of useful and necessary terms that you will definitely need for playing mahjong and further understanding the articles on this wiki.



Term JP Explanation
Agari 和がり Win
Agaripai 和がり牌 The 14th tile that completes a hand.
Aidayonken 間四軒 An interval of four between two discarded number tiles. Usually indicates dangerous waits. A discarded 1 and 6 make a 2—5 wait very probable.
An Closed
Anjun 暗順 Closed sequence
Ankan 暗槓 Closed quad
Ankou 暗刻 Closed triplet
Anpai 安牌 Safe tile, that can't be called as Agaripai (winning tile)
Ari ari アリアリ Ruleset which allows kuitan and atozuke. Most common basic set of rules in Japan.
Atamahane 頭跳ね Rule that allows only one Ron at a time. the closest to the discarder in turn order takes priority.
Awaseuchi 合わせ打ち Discarding the same tile as previous plyer to avoid dealing to any another players hand.


Term JP Explanation
Ba(kaze) 場(風) Wind round
Basengo 場千五 A rule where each honba counter is worth of 1500 points instead of the regular 300 points.
Betaori ベタ降り Strategy to avoid dealing to another player's hand. No intention of developing one’s own hand.


Term JP Explanation
Chakan 加槓 Kan that was built from minkou.
Chi チー Calling sequence
Chombo 冲合,錯和 Penalty for special situations
Chunchan 中張 Zone of tiles, numbered from 2 to 8.
Chunchanhai 中張牌 Tiles, numbered from 2 to 8.


Term JP Explanation
Daburon ダブロン A rule that allows two players to ron from the same discarded tile.
Daiminkan 大明槓 Open kan
Damaten 黙聴 Tactic of holding tenpai without calling riichi.
Dora ドラ Tile type that add to your hand 1 additional Han per tile.
Dorahyouji ドラ表示 Dora indicator


Term JP Explanation
Enchousen 延長戦 Extra game round, in the event where no player scores more than the target points.


Term JP Explanation
Fu Mini-points
Furikomi 振り込み Payment
Furiten 振聴 Rule, when you can't ron from tile that you already discard.
Fuuro 副露 Calling discarded tile or closed kan.
Fuutei 副底 Base 20 fu


Term JP Explanation
Genbutsu 現物 A 100% safe tile.
Goumii ゴーミー Cheapest tsumo
Gukei 愚形 Bad hand


Term JP Explanation
Haipai 配牌 Start hand
Haiteihai 海底牌 Last drawable tile from the wall.
Haiyama 牌山 Wall
Han A yaku-based hand value count
Hanchan 半荘 Full East-South game
Hikkake 引っ掛け Trap. Discard tiles indicating particular tiles as safe, when in fact, they are not.
Honba 本場 Repeat counter
Houjuu 放銃 To deal into a hand.
Houteihai 河底牌 Last discarded


Term JP Explanation
Iichan 一荘 4-winds round game
Ikasama イカサマ Cheating


Term JP Explanation
Jantou 雀頭 Pair
Jigokumachi 地獄待ち Hell wait
Jihai 字牌 Honor tiles
Jikaze 自風 Self wind
Jun Turn number within a round


Term JP Explanation
Kamicha 上家 Player in the left from the one perspective
Kandora カンドラ Dora that opening after kan
Kanchan 嵌張 Closed wait
Kazehai 風牌 Wind tiles
Kikenhai 危険牌 Dangerous tile
Kiriage Mangan 切り上げ満貫 A rule where 3 Han 60 Fu and 4 Han 30 Fu are rounded up to Mangan.
Kyoku Hand session