7 IstiABOT demo - PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/Tutorials GitHub Wiki
Demo setup for the IstiABot
Using the previous part of this tutorial
You need to install and setup Lubuntu, the CAN bus, github, ROS, the wifi as hotspot (after downloading everything...). This has to be done according to the previous part of this tutorial.
Specific downloads
You need to install rosbridge for the distance communication between the robot and a PC or smartphone. To do that:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
gitHub Repositories
In the catkin_ws folder (ROS installation), you need to clone the following repositories from github:
- robotpeak/rplidar_ros
- PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/ibot_can_interface
- PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/IbotSlam
- PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/ibot_launch
Then do not forget to compile and install the nodes:
catkin_make -j2
catkin_make install
The Web interface
You need to install apache2 for the distance control and visualization over a webbrowser. To do that:
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
Then clone the repository PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/ibot_html, and replace the /vat/www/html folder of the rapsberry by the one in the repository. Note that you can change the name of the robot in the index.hml file.
ease the demo start with an executable file
At the home of the raspberry pi, create a start_demo.bash file :
$ cd
$ nano start_demo.bash
and add the following content :
rosclean purge -y
roslaunch ibot_launch IstiABot_demo.launch
To make the file executable, do
$ chmod +x start_demo.bash
Starting the demo
Once everything is ready in the raspberry pi, you can start the robot.
A wifi network should appears named with IBOT_NAME. Connect yourself to the wifi (WIFI_TOBI as password), and use ssh to be connected to the robot (IP:
Once connected with ssh, you can start the demo with the command:
$ ./start_demo.bash
This should launch ROS and all the needed node.
Control the robot
Once ROS is started, open a webbrowser and go to the url :
You should have a web page with the name of the robot, and a message saying that you are connected. If there is a message saying that you are not connected, this is because rosbridge is not started in the robot.
If you are connected, you should be able to move the robot using the keyboard arrows or the letters 'Z','S','Q','D'.
Visualizing the map
To visualize the map, you can use a webbrowser and go to the url :
You can also use rviz remotly (previously explained in this tutorial).