5 Using giHub with the Raspberry - PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/Tutorials GitHub Wiki

Using gitHub with the Raspberry

Installing Git

Git can be easily installed with the command

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git

Initializing the git folder

Create a directory

$ mkdir ~/myGitHub

Initialize the git repository by doing

$ cd ~/myGitHub
$ git init

Voilà, the git repository is initialized.

Getting a repository from gitHub

To recover a repository from gitHub, go to your myGitHub folder

$ cd ~/myGitHub

and close the gitHub repository by doing

$ git clone https://github.com/PolytechAngersMecatroniqueClub/US_Board.git

Note that this is to clone the US_Board repository, change the url with the repository you want!

Now you should have a US_Board folder into your myGitHub directory.

Some useful commands

Note that the following commands have to be executed in the repository folder (in US_Board folder for instance) To add all the files to the repository

$ git add *

To get the current status of the repository (what has been commit, the last modifications)

$ git status

Commit the repository

$ git commit -a -m “Text for the commit”

To push the commit to gitHub

$ git push

To update your repository with the one on git hub

$ git pull