JS Doc Annotations recognized by the polymer analyzer - Polymer/polymer-analyzer GitHub Wiki
Declaring an Element
Custom element classes can be annotated with @customElement
. If they're Polymer elements, you can add the @polymer
annotation. The analyzer can generally infer custom elements from your source code though, so these annotations are only necessary for elements that are not immediately registered using the customElements.define
// This class is registered as a custom element immediately, so it's clear that it's an element.
class MyPolymerElement extends Polymer.Elemnet {
is: 'my-polymer-element'
customElements.define(MyPolymerElement.is, MyPolymerElement);
* This class calls a nonstandard method to register itself, so it must be annotated.
* @polymer
* @customElement
class OtherPolymerElement extends Polymer.Elemnet {
is: 'other-polymer-element'
Using a Mixin
When using a mixin the analyzer isn't (currently) able to infer the mixins applied to your class. So you must tell us with @appliesMixin
, and include the base class as well with @extends
. For example:
* @extends {Polymer.Base}
* @appliesMixin fooMixin
* @appliesMixin barMixin
class MyElement extends barMixin(fooMixin(Polymer.Base)) {
static get is() {
return 'my-element';
Declaring a Mixin
When writing a mixin, your mixin function must be annotated as a @mixinFunction
* @mixinFunction
* @polymer
var fooMixin = function(Superclass) {
return class Foo extends Superclass {
foo() {}
If you don't immediately return the generated class in your mixin function, then it must also be annotated with @mixinClass
* @mixinFunction
var barMixin = function(Superclass) {
* @mixinClass
class Bar extends Superclass {
bar() {}
return Bar;