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What is this?
This is a simple app that showcases how to integrate with Polymath protocol. Upon completion, the app should enable users to:
- Establish a connection to Polymath protocol.
- Fetch SecurityTokens that belongs to the current user.
- Load, add, update and remove token holders.
Familiarity with Polymath SDK
We are going to use Polymath SDK to interact with Polymath smart contracts. It abstracts interactions that could be rather verbose. It also hides away web3-specific details such as gas optimization and data casting.
Familiarity with Polymath smart contracts
Although the SDK will make our lives easier, a minimal familiarity with Polymath smart contract could go long way. To the minimum, make sure you understand their purpose and what ST-20/ERC-1400 is all about. Smart contracts Github repo is your best resource.
Familiarity with React and Redux
Hopefully this is not a big hurdle. React is extremely simple and we're using the simplest parts of it. The application we're building is composed of pure components and it uses React hooks to manage state.
Metamask browser plugin
Using a dapp usually requires an Ethereum account. That account signs transactions and pays for their fees. Metamask is a browser wallet that let us create and use such account. Also, a huge bonus of Metamask is tht serves as a provider (ethereum node) so we don't have to run our own.
- Make sure to install Metamask on your favorite browser.
- Follow initialization steps in order to create your account.
- In this guide, we're going to interact with Polymath contract on Kovan network. Make sure to obtain some Kovan ETH beforehand. 1 KETH should be quite sufficient.
- The whole purpose of this app is to facilitate managing the General Transfer Manager module. Despite that the SDK abstracts the interactions with that module, understanding how to it works behind the scenes won't harm. Please see https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/General-Transfer-Manager--Aj1ECragYUNV9NWLvjjTjmOCAg-zrYer8XyPzdzSvIimAalI.
- For a high-level overview of Polymath modules: https://blog.polymath.network/modules-for-polymath-powered-st20-security-tokens-f11596a83234.
- We're using Ant Design because its components look decent out of the box. But feel free to use your own. For more information about Ant Design please please checkout their website https://ant.design.