Quick Start Guide for Bukkit - PolyhedralDev/TerraWiki GitHub Wiki

This guide is intended for the Bukkit version of Terra. See the Getting Started Page for guides on other platforms.


The Bukkit version of Terra supports server platforms such as Spigot, Paper, and further forks such as Tuinity and Purpur. However we highly recommend using Paper, or one of its sane forks (Tuinity, Purpur, etc.), with Terra, since Paper is the Bukkit platform we develop for and support. Terra will not be fully functional with CraftBukkit/Spigot.

Some important features require the use of Paper's extended API, and will be missing on platforms such as Spigot!

If you have already installed Terra or already know how to install Bukkit plugins, you can skip to Creating a Terra World on Bukkit.

Download & Installation

  1. Download the latest stable Terra Bukkit release from the SpigotMC website here.

  2. Once you have downloaded the .jar file from Spigot, simply place the file your plugins folder located inside your server root.

  3. Once the plugin has been installed, start your server.

    If your server is already running, do not under any circumstances use the /reload command, or any third party plugin to reload your server, simply restart the server instead! [Why?]

  4. Once the the server has restarted, check your console log for the following line to ensure everything has been installed correctly:

[XX:XX:XX INFO]: [Terra] DEFAULT vX.X.X by dfsek loaded in XXXX.XXXXms.

This means that the plugin has loaded successfully, and that the default Configuration Pack has been unpacked and loaded correctly without issues.

After you have successfully installed Terra on your Bukkit server, refer to Creating a Terra World on Bukkit for further instructions.

Where can I go from here?

If you would like to continue learning more about Terra, or would like to see what else you can get out of it, please continue on to the Config Packs page!

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