How To Choose An Issue Template - PolyhedralDev/TerraWiki GitHub Wiki

What this page is for

This wiki page has been created to help you choose which issue template you want to use, if you are unsure of which one to choose.

Choosing a template

There are three basic templates to choose from, so it's pretty simple.

  • Bug Report
  • Feature Request
  • Other

The following sections describe each one:

Bug Report

If your issue is about unintentional things that occur with the program (eg. an error, etc.) then this is the right template. Choose this template if your issue has to do with one of the following:

  • A glitch
  • An error
  • Something that broke

Don't use this template if you fall into one of the following:

  • It's not a glitch in the program and is instead something you can't do because of some limitation. (Open a Feature Request instead.)
  • It has something to do with the repository itself. (Open an issue with the Other template instead.)

Feature Request

Use this template for anything regarding new features you would like to be added. Here are situations in which you should use this template:

  • You want a new feature to be added
  • You want to expand an existing feature
  • You want to suggest an alternative to an existing feature

Don't use this template if you fit one of the following:

  • There is an error which occurs in the program. (Use a Bug Report instead.)
  • You have a question about something Terra can do. (Use the Other template instead, or join our discord.)


Use this if your issue doesn't neatly fit into any of the other categories. This is good for questions you may have, etc. (Note: If you have a simple question, please join the discord instead.)