Community Addons - PolyhedralDev/TerraWiki GitHub Wiki

This page contains a list of community addons for Terra. To add your addon to this list, submit a PR to the Wiki Repository. Requirements:

  • Addon must be free and open-source. Paid/closed-source addons will be removed from this list.
  • Addon must not be malicious.

When putting your addon on this page, include:

  • A short description of what your addon does.
  • A list of platforms your addon will run on.
  • A link to your addon's source code, and (optionally) a link to get builds from.

Community Addons

  • MythicMobs Addon
    Adds a mythicMob function to TerraScript.
    Platforms: Bukkit Only
    Spigot Page | Source Code
  • Lootin Addon
    Adds Lootin chests support to terra structures more info about lootin can be found here
    Platforms: Bukkit Only
    Spigot Page | Source Code
  • Fractal Trees Addon
    Adds legacy BetterEnd fractal trees to Terra.
    Platforms: All
    Source Code
  • NMSAddon
    Uses internal server code to bypass some limitations of the API, allowing functionality from other platforms on Spigot/Paper. Note: As this addon uses a lot of internal server code, it may be unstable and will take longer to update to newer Minecraft versions. Platforms: Bukkit Only
    Spigot Page | Source Code
  • NMS Addon (Incomplete)
    Uses internal Minecraft server code on Bukkit to get around the limitations of the Bukkit worldgen API.
    Platforms: Bukkit Only
    Source Code
  • ItemsAdder Addon
    Adds a itemsAdderBlock function to TerraScript. Allows for the use of ItemsAdder blocks in TerraScript. Platforms: Bukkit Only
    Source Code
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