Color - Polkm105/DesignPatternPractice GitHub Wiki


This section contains all functions relating to CP_Color

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Create a CP_Color from given red, green, blue, and alpha values. The input values must be in the range of 0 to 255. CP_Color_Create()* can be used to create a variable or used to pass a CP_Color directly as a function parameter.


CP_Color CP_Color_Create(int r, int g, int b, int a);


  • r - (int) the red value of the color
  • g - (int) the green value of the color
  • b - (int) the blue value of the color
  • a - (int) the alpha value of the color


This function returns a CP_Color type.


void init() 
    // Use the CP_Color_Create function to create a variable
    CP_Color color1 = CP_Color_Create(255, 40, 100, 255);
    // Set the background with color1 (berry red)
    // Create a color and pass it directly as a function parameter
    CP_Settings_Fill(CP_Color_Create(0, 200, 255, 255));
    // Draw a rectangle at the top left of the screen (blue)
    float rectWidth = CP_System_GetCanvasWidth() * 0.5f;
    float rectHeight = CP_System_GetCanvasHeight() * 0.5f;
    CP_Graphics_DrawRect(0, 0, rectWidth, rectHeight);




Linearly interpolate (lerp) between two given CP_Color inputs using an interpolation factor from 0.0 to 1.0. Returns the newly computed color.

The calculation applied to each component of the color:

new_color = (1.0f - lerp_factor) * a + lerp_factor * b;


CP_Color CP_Color_Lerp(CP_Color a, CP_Color b, float t);


  • a - (CP_Color) the base color to lerp from. The return value is a when lerp_factor = 0.0
  • b - (CP_Color) the end color to lerp to. The return values is b when lerp_factor = 1.0
  • lerp_factor - (float) the value between 0.0 and 1.0 used to linearly interpolate from a to b


This function returns a CP_Color type.


void update()
    // Create colors for the four corners of the screen
    CP_Color red = CP_Color_Create(255, 0, 0, 255);
    CP_Color green = CP_Color_Create(0, 255, 0, 255);
    CP_Color blue = CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 255, 255);
    CP_Color white = CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255);
    // Get the mouse position relative to the canvas
    float mx = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX() / (float)CP_System_GetCanvasWidth();
    float my = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY() / (float)CP_System_GetCanvasHeight();
    // Clamp the values
    mx = CP_Math_ClampFloat(mx, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    my = CP_Math_ClampFloat(my, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    // Lerp the colors based on position along the x-axis
    CP_Color lerpx1 = CP_Color_Lerp(red, blue, mx);
    CP_Color lerpx2 = CP_Color_Lerp(green, white, mx);
    // Lerp the two previous colors based on y-axis position
    CP_Color lerp = CP_Color_Lerp(lerpx1, lerpx2, my);
    // Set the background based on the lerp



Converts a CP_ColorHSL to a CP_Color.

NOTE: All graphics and settings functions within CProcessing expect colors in RGB format (CP_Color) so you will be required to convert using this function if you are using HSL (CP_ColorHSL) formats for various effects.


CP_Color CP_Color_FromColorHSL(CP_ColorHSL hsl);


  • hsl - (CP_ColorHSL) The HSL value to be converted to RGB.


This function returns a CP_Color type.


void update(void)
    // Get the current framecount and set the background to black
    int frameCount = CP_System_GetFrameCount();
    CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
    // Use framecount to slowly change the HSL color through all colors of the rainbow
    CP_ColorHSL hsl = CP_ColorHSL_Create(360 - (frameCount * 3), 100, 50, 255);
    // Convert from HSL to RGB to be used as the fill color and draw a rectangle
    CP_Graphics_DrawRectAdvanced(10, 10, 380, 380, 0, 20);



Create a CP_ColorHSL from given hue, saturation, value, and alpha values.


CP_ColorHSL CP_ColorHSL_Create(int h, int s, int l, int a);


  • h - (int) The hue of the color. Range of 0-360
  • s - (int) The saturation of the color. Range of 0-100.
  • v - (int) The value of the color. Range of 0-100.
  • a - (int) the alpha of the color. Range of 0-255.


This function returns a CP_ColorHSL type.


void update(void)
    // Get the current framecount and set the background to black
    int frameCount = CP_System_GetFrameCount();
    CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
    // Use framecount to slowly change the HSL color through all colors of the rainbow
    CP_ColorHSL hsl = CP_ColorHSL_Create((frameCount * 3) % 360, 100, 50, 255);
    CP_Graphics_DrawRectAdvanced(10, 10, 380, 380, 0, 20);



Linearly interpolate (lerp) between two given CP_ColorHSL inputs using an interpolation factor from 0.0 to 1.0. Returns the newly computed color.

The calculation applied to each component of the color:

new_color = (1.0f - lerp_factor) * a + lerp_factor * b;


CP_ColorHSL CP_ColorHSL_Lerp(CP_ColorHSL a, CP_ColorHSL b, float t);


  • a - (CP_ColorHSL) the base color to lerp from. The return value is a when lerp_factor = 0.0
  • b - (CP_ColorHSL) the end color to lerp to. The return values is b when lerp_factor = 1.0
  • lerp_factor - (float) the value between 0.0 and 1.0 used to linearly interpolate from a to b


This function returns a CP_ColorHSL type.


void update()
    // Create colors for the left and right side of the screen
    CP_ColorHSL start = CP_ColorHSL_Create(0, 100, 50, 255);
    CP_ColorHSL end = CP_ColorHSL_Create(359, 100, 50, 255);
    // Get the mouse position relative to the canvas
    float mx = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX() / (float)CP_System_GetCanvasWidth();
    // Clamp the values
    mx = CP_Math_ClampFloat(mx, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    // Lerp the colors based on mouse position along the x-axis
    CP_ColorHSL lerp = CP_ColorHSL_Lerp(start, end, mx);
    // Set the background based on the lerp



Converts a CP_ColorHSL to a CP_Color_Create.

NOTE: All graphics and settings functions within CProcessing expect colors in RGB format (CP_Color_Create) so you will be required to convert using this function if you are using HSL (CP_ColorHSL) formats for various effects.


CP_ColorHSL CP_ColorHSL_FromColor(CP_Color rgb);


  • hsl - (CP_ColorHSL) The HSL value to be converted to RGB.


This function returns a CP_ColorHSL type.


void update(void)
    // Get the current framecount and set the background to black
    int frameCount = CP_System_GetFrameCount();
    CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
    // Use framecount to slowly change the HSL color through all colors of the rainbow
    CP_ColorHSL hsl = CP_ColorHSL_Create(360 - (frameCount * 3), 100, 50, 255);
    // Convert from HSL to RGB to be used as the fill color and draw a rectangle
    CP_Graphics_DrawRectAdvanced(10, 10, 380, 380, 0, 20);
