index - PogoMan361/OpenRA-1 GitHub Wiki
This documentation is aimed at modders. It displays all traits with default values and developer commentary. Please do not edit it directly, but add new [Desc("String")]
tags to the source code. This file has been automatically generated for version {DEV_VERSION} of OpenRA.
- OpenRA.Mods.Cnc.Traits
- FrozenUnderFogUpdatedByGps
- MadTank
- PortableChrono
- ProductionAirdrop
- TiberianSunRefinery
- ClonesProducedUnits
- Cloneable
- GpsDot
- TransferTimedExternalConditionOnTransform
- VoxelNormalsPalette
- TSShroudPalette
- Chronoshiftable
- RenderJammerCircle
- WithBuildingBib
- RenderShroudCircle
- EnergyWall
- AttackTDGunboatTurreted
- AttackTesla
- AttackLeap
- AttackPopupTurreted
- EdibleByLeap
- HarvesterHuskModifier
- Mine
- MineImmune
- Minelayer
- InfiltrateForPowerOutage
- InfiltrateForDecoration
- InfiltrateForCash
- InfiltrateForExploration
- InfiltrateForTransform
- InfiltrateForSupportPower
- Infiltrates
- ConyardChronoReturn
- DisguiseTooltip
- Disguise
- GpsWatcher
- ChronoshiftPower
- AttackOrderPower
- GpsPower
- IonCannonPower
- TDGunboat
- LightPaletteRotator
- ChronoshiftPaletteEffect
- PlaceSimpleBeacon
- OpenRA.Mods.Cnc.Traits.Render
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Commands
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Scripting
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits
- GainsExperience
- DamagedByTerrain
- Carryable
- FallsToEarth
- ReturnOnIdle
- FlyAwayOnIdle
- Aircraft
- AttackAircraft
- AttackBomber
- PowerTooltip
- CarryableHarvester
- Valued
- Immobile
- Production
- AutoTarget
- AffectedByPowerOutage
- ScalePowerWithHealth
- Power
- PowerManager
- Passenger
- FreeActorWithDelivery
- FreeActor
- BaseProvider
- Reservable
- Gate
- RallyPoint
- BridgePlaceholder
- BaseBuilding
- LegacyBridgeHut
- Exit
- Refinery
- BridgeHut
- GivesBuildableArea
- PrimaryBuilding
- Building
- BuildingInfluence
- LineBuildNode
- GroundLevelBridge
- RepairableBuilding
- Bridge
- RequiresBuildableArea
- LineBuild
- Replaceable
- Targetable
- ExplosionOnDamageTransition
- QuantizeFacingsFromSequence
- Contrail
- ThrowsShrapnel
- SpawnActorsOnSell
- Cargo
- ProducibleWithLevel
- CapturableProgressBlink
- DeliversCash
- MapEditorData
- TemporaryOwnerManager
- EngineerRepair
- EngineerRepairable
- GivesExperience
- RepairsBridges
- Wanders
- Guard
- StoresResources
- KillsSelf
- DeliversExperience
- OwnerLostAction
- AttackMove
- PathFinder
- BridgeLayer
- SpawnMPUnits
- ResourceLayer
- TerrainRenderer
- JumpjetActorLayer
- MissionData
- PaletteFromGimpOrJascFile
- WarheadDebugOverlay
- RadarPings
- TerrainTunnelLayer
- PaletteFromFile
- SmudgeLayer
- TerrainTunnel
- SubterraneanLocomotor
- EditorResourceLayer
- ResourceClaimLayer
- ActorSpawnManager
- ValidateOrder
- ShroudPalette
- CrateSpawner
- ExitsDebugOverlayManager
- ElevatedBridgeLayer
- ScriptLobbyDropdown
- ElevatedBridgePlaceholder
- Locomotor
- PaletteFromRGBA
- PaletteFromPlayerPaletteWithAlpha
- CreateMPPlayers
- MapBuildRadius
- PaletteFromPng
- LobbyPrerequisiteCheckbox
- SubterraneanActorLayer
- MapCreeps
- DomainIndex
- MusicPlaylist
- SpawnMapActors
- StartGameNotification
- CliffBackImpassabilityLayer
- LegacyBridgeLayer
- WeatherOverlay
- PaletteFromEmbeddedSpritePalette
- EditorActorLayer
- MapOptions
- MPStartUnits
- ShroudRenderer
- ActorMap
- PaletteFromPaletteWithAlpha
- JumpjetLocomotor
- TerrainGeometryOverlay
- MPStartLocations
- EditorSelectionLayer
- LoadWidgetAtGameStart
- BodyOrientation
- Replacement
- IgnoresCloak
- AutoCarryable
- ShakeOnDeath
- Carryall
- Buildable
- Rearmable
- ExitsDebugOverlay
- TooltipDescription
- Mobile
- TransformOnCapture
- RevealOnDeath
- ToggleConditionOnOrder
- GrantConditionOnJumpjetLayer
- GrantConditionOnTunnelLayer
- GrantConditionOnProduction
- GrantCondition
- GrantConditionOnFaction
- GrantConditionOnPlayerResources
- ProximityExternalCondition
- GrantConditionOnMovement
- ExternalCondition
- GrantConditionOnBotOwner
- GrantConditionOnAttack
- GrantConditionOnSubterraneanLayer
- GrantConditionWhileAiming
- GrantConditionOnDeploy
- GrantConditionOnTerrain
- LineBuildSegmentExternalCondition
- GrantConditionOnPowerState
- ConditionManager
- GrantExternalConditionToCrusher
- GrantConditionOnDamageState
- GrantConditionOnLineBuildDirection
- GrantConditionOnPrerequisite
- EditorOnlyTooltip
- Tooltip
- CustomTerrainDebugOverlay
- DrawLineToTarget
- Burns
- Armament
- CustomSellValue
- Armor
- BlocksProjectiles
- AutoTargetPriority
- IgnoresDisguise
- ChangesTerrain
- CashTrickler
- FrozenUnderFog
- WithColoredOverlay
- HiddenUnderFog
- AlwaysVisible
- HiddenUnderShroud
- GiveCashCrateAction
- GiveMcvCrateAction
- DuplicateUnitCrateAction
- RevealMapCrateAction
- HealUnitsCrateAction
- LevelUpCrateAction
- HideMapCrateAction
- GrantExternalConditionCrateAction
- Crate
- ExplodeCrateAction
- CrateAction
- SupportPowerCrateAction
- GiveUnitCrateAction
- Husk
- Turreted
- Explodes
- Capturable
- HitShape
- ProductionParadrop
- RepairableNear
- TunnelEntrance
- TransformCrusherOnCrush
- AcceptsDeliveredCash
- AttackFollow
- AttackCharges
- AttackTurreted
- AttackGarrisoned
- AttackOmni
- AttackFrontal
- Transforms
- Demolishable
- Huntable
- AcceptsDeliveredExperience
- ActorSpawner
- MustBeDestroyed
- JamsMissiles
- ParaDrop
- ProximityCapturable
- Parachutable
- Harvester
- CreatesShroud
- Sellable
- Guardable
- CombatDebugOverlay
- CaptureProgressBar
- AutoCarryall
- McvManagerBotModule
- UnitBuilderBotModule
- SupportPowerBotModule
- BaseBuilderBotModule
- BuildingRepairBotModule
- SquadManagerBotModule
- HarvesterBotModule
- CaptureManagerBotModule
- SpawnActorOnDeath
- AmmoPool
- RepairsUnits
- EjectOnDeath
- Crushable
- CommandBarBlacklist
- Demolition
- RequiresSpecificOwners
- ProximityCaptor
- ScaredyCat
- TerrainModifiesDamage
- TakeCover
- Captures
- RevealOnFire
- SeedsResource
- AttackWander
- ReloadAmmoPool
- SelfHealing
- GivesBounty
- SupportPowerManager
- ProduceActorPower
- AirstrikePower
- GrantExternalConditionPower
- SpawnActorPower
- NukePower
- ParatroopersPower
- ProductionFromMapEdge
- Cloak
- Health
- RevealsShroud
- GrantExternalConditionToProduced
- GivesCashOnCapture
- SmokeTrailWhenDamaged
- CaptureManager
- Repairable
- DetectCloaked
- CapturableProgressBar
- Pluggable
- EntersTunnels
- Plug
- Voiced
- ScriptTags
- RotationPaletteEffect
- CloakPaletteEffect
- MenuPaletteEffect
- GlobalLightingPaletteEffect
- FlashPaletteEffect
- RejectsOrders
- ProductionQueueFromSelection
- AllyRepair
- BaseAttackNotifier
- MissionObjectives
- ObjectivesPanel
- PlaceBeacon
- ResourceStorageWarning
- GrantConditionOnPrerequisiteManager
- ProductionQueue
- DeveloperMode
- ProvidesTechPrerequisite
- TechTree
- PlayerStatistics
- UpdatesPlayerStatistics
- ClassicProductionQueue
- ProvidesPrerequisite
- ConquestVictoryConditions
- PlayerResources
- PlaceBuilding
- DummyBot
- PlayerExperience
- ModularBot
- HarvesterAttackNotifier
- ParallelProductionQueue
- EnemyWatcher
- StrategicPoint
- StrategicVictoryConditions
- ThrowsParticle
- ReloadDelayMultiplier
- InaccuracyMultiplier
- CashTricklerMultiplier
- GainsExperienceMultiplier
- RevealsShroudMultiplier
- FirepowerMultiplier
- GivesExperienceMultiplier
- SpeedMultiplier
- CreatesShroudMultiplier
- RangeMultiplier
- DamageMultiplier
- PowerMultiplier
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Conditions
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Radar
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Render
- RenderDebugState
- WithDamageOverlay
- RenderVoxels
- WithVoxelBarrel
- WithTextControlGroupDecoration
- WithIdleAnimation
- WithMakeAnimation
- ProductionBar
- Hovers
- WithDockedOverlay
- WithShadow
- WithNukeLaunchAnimation
- WithSpriteTurret
- RenderDetectionCircle
- WithHarvestOverlay
- RenderSpritesEditorOnly
- WithSpriteBarrel
- WithVoxelTurret
- WithChargeOverlay
- WithNukeLaunchOverlay
- WithAttackAnimation
- WithWallSpriteBody
- WithTurretAimAnimation
- WithMoveAnimation
- WithCrateBody
- WithProductionOverlay
- WithResourceLevelOverlay
- WithProductionDoorOverlay
- LeavesTrails
- WithDeadBridgeSpriteBody
- WithDockingAnimation
- WithDeathAnimation
- WithTextDecoration
- WithInfantryBody
- WithParachute
- WithResourceLevelSpriteBody
- WithBridgeSpriteBody
- WithIdleOverlay
- WithAcceptDeliveredCashAnimation
- WithGateSpriteBody
- SupportPowerChargeBar
- WithBuildingPlacedAnimation
- RenderNameTag
- TimedConditionBar
- WithBuildingRepairDecoration
- WithBuildingPlacedOverlay
- WithTurretAttackAnimation
- SelectionDecorations
- WithRangeCircle
- WithFacingSpriteBody
- WithHarvestAnimation
- WithVoxelBody
- WithMuzzleOverlay
- WithSpriteControlGroupDecoration
- RenderSprites
- CashTricklerBar
- WithResupplyAnimation
- WithDecoration
- WithSpriteBody
- WithChargeSpriteBody
- WithAimAnimation
- RenderRangeCircle
- ReloadArmamentsBar
- WithRepairOverlay
- WithAttackOverlay
- VeteranProductionIconOverlay
- OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Sound
- OpenRA.Mods.D2k.Traits
- OpenRA.Mods.D2k.Traits.Render
- OpenRA.Traits