Platform: Android and iOS - PocketByte/LocoLaser GitHub Wiki

Gradle dependency

dependencies {
    localize 'ru.pocketbyte.locolaser:platform-mobile:1.2.1'


Mobile Platform can be defined by single string or by JSON object. In case of string you can use following values:

  • android - Adroid platform (Android XML Resource files). Default temp folder: "./build/tmp/";
  • ios - iOS platform. (iOS string resource files). Default temp folder: "../DerivedData/LocoLaserTemp/".

JSON object should has following structure:

    "type" : ("android" | "ios"),
    "res_name" : (String value),
    "res_dir" : (Path to dir)

Properties description:

  • type - String. Type of the platform ("android" or "ios").
  • res_name - String. Resource name.
    • Default Android: "strings",
    • Default iOS: "Localizable".
  • res_dir - String. Path to resources directory.
    • Default Android: "./src/main/res/",
    • Default iOS: "./".

Code generation

Also, in case of iOS platform you able to use platforms that generate a special Class files that simplify work with string resources. Code generaton config has following structure:

    "type" : ("ios_swift" | "ios_objc"),
    "res_name" : (String value),
    "res_dir" : (Path to dir),
    "table_name" : (String value)

Properties description:

  • type - String. Type of the platform:
    • ios_swift - gerate Swift class file",
    • ios_objc - gerate Objective-C class files",
  • res_name - String. Name of the class. Default value is Str;
  • res_dir - String. Path to source code directory. Default value is ./;
  • table_name - String. Name of the table in iOS bundle. Default value is Localizable.

Note: Don't forget to include generated file into XCode project.


Example of iOS config that generates Swift Class (Str.swift) depends on String resources:

    "platform" : [
            "type" : "ios_swift",
            "res_dir": "./utils/"
    "source" : null,
    "delay" : 30