Mining - PoWx-Org/oPoW GitHub Wiki


oBTC network is the first network to support optical proof of work (oPoW).

FPGA mining (beta)

Download the archive Here is a .bit bitstream for xcvu9p-flgb2104-2-i.

Please extract the archives. They contain the miner, the FPGA design for VU9, and some .so libraries.

To mine:

  1. Program the FPGA with the .dcp file. If the design does not work for you, please send us the exact part name such as xcvu9p-flgb2104-2-i.
  2. Run sudo ./miner -o stratum+tcp:// -u <YOUR_OPTICAL_BITCOIN_ADDRESS> -p . -a heavyhash -D

You can use any other oBTC pool from if you like.

Please note that the binary relies on (and some other libraries, in lib64.tar.gz archive). You can put them in /usr/lib64.

We are working to improve the miner. We have tested it on a Linux machine.

FPGA mining (AWS example)

Note that by default you do not have FPGA access. You have to create a ticket to request access.

Go to region N.Virginia (us-east-1) or to Oregon. Find "oBTC Miner FPGA Dec2021" (ami-01ddd9af460b5df7a in us-east-1). Launch an instance from AMI image. Then select f1.2xlarge instance type.

How to mine

Launch the instance (don't forget to download the secret key) and identify the IP address.

Then connect:

ssh -i "SECRETKEY.pem" ec2-user@IP_ADDRESS

Attach FPGA image

sudo fpga-clear-local-image -S 0
sudo fpga-load-local-image -S 0 -I agfi-09b1521d93088246c -a 125 -b 343 -c 1

sudo ./miner -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_OPTICAL_BITCOIN_ADDRESS -p . -a heavyhash -D

You can use any other oBTC pool from if you like.


Please send your bug reports to dev+obtc[at]