Cooldowns! - PluginsByMe/ffr GitHub Wiki
I used this in the KitPvP plugin, and i'm sure it'll be helpful for other minigames as well. This is usually used for commands, but I'm sure it can be used for other tasks as well
public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, string $label, array $args) : bool {
//zz at the end so no need to repeat variables
$dataFilezz = $this->getDataFolder() . strtolower($sender->getName());
$name = $sender->getName();
switch ($cmd->getName()) {
case "cmd":
$cmdname = "cmd";
if($sender instanceof Player){
if(is_file($dataFilezz)) {
$data = yaml_parse_file($dataFilezz);
$lastTime = $data["last-execute-command"][$cmdname];
} else {
$lastTime = 0;
$cooldown = 1200; //Cooldown Time In Seconds
} if(time() - $lastTime < $cooldown) {
$timeLeft = time() - $lastTime;
$cooldownmins = $cooldown/60;
$sender->sendMessage("Please wait for your cooldown to expire! You last used the command " . $timeLeft . " seconds ago, but you must wait" . $cooldown . "seconds (" . $cooldownmins . " minutes) until you may use it again!");
return true;
$data["last-execute-command"][$cmdname]= time();
yaml_emit_file($dataFilezz, $data);
//Command data
return true;