Trader Role 商人
In the setup screen you can set what item is traded for what item
Limit of 12 items
- 在设置界面你可以设置x物品换y物品
- 最大限制12种交易
Follower Role 雇佣随从
In the setup screen you can set what how many days you can hire him for and how much that costs
When he dies or when the days are over he will respawn at his starting point.
- 在设置界面你可以设置跟随时长以及花费
- 当随从死了或者期限到了, 随从将会重生
Bank Role 储存者
Npcs set to the same bank are linked
You can add multiple banks
Banks can be set to start as a normal size chest and upgraded to a full sized chest
Banks have 6 slots that can unlocked
- 设置在相同杂物间(就是存东西的地方)的NPC将被同步
- 你可以添加多个杂物间
- 杂物间可以设置起始大小和最大大小
- 杂物间可以有6个物品栏能够被解锁
Transporter Role 传送师
Can be assigned to a transport category
Can be set to available from the start of available right away
Transporters need to have a transport name
Interacting with a transporter will show a list with discovered transport names
Selecting a location and pressing travel will teleport you to it
You can remove transport locations by double clicking their category in the global -> transport menu
- 可以分配到一个传送类别
- 可以设置激活方式(默认激活还有被发现时激活啥的)
- 传送师需要一个传送名称
- 与一个传送师互动将会显示所有已发现的传送名称
- 选择一个地点然后点击传送即可
- 你可以在全局设置->传送中双击类删除传送点
Mailman Role 信使
When interacted with a mailman you can send players mails
Only players that have atleast once been near a player you can send mails to
Dialogs and quests can send mails as well
When players get near a mailman they get told if they have mail
Interacting with a mailbox will let players read their mail
- 当与一个信使互动时你可以给玩家发送邮件
- 只有至少于该玩家接触过一次才能发送邮件
- 信使也一样支持对话和任务
- 当玩家靠近一个信使, 信使会告诉他们他们有没有邮件
- 与邮箱互动可以让玩家阅读信件