Itemgiver Job 物品给予者
Gives items if you are in range
Gives items from his inventory
Multiple giving options:
A Random item
All Items
Only items the player doesnt have yet
Gives items if the player doesnt own any of the given items
Chained will give the items he has one by one in order
You can also choose to only give the Items once or with a timer(in seconds)
Will only give items again if you move atleast 10 blocks away from him and than back into his 3 block range
- 当你进入一个范围时给予你物品
- 物品可以是从它的背包中拿
- 多种选项: 随机物品, 所有物品, 玩家没有的物品, 玩家没物品才给, 排序的物品链(一堆)
- 你也可以选择只给一个玩家一次物品
- 没有特殊设置的情况下, 如果离开后返回就会再次给予
Guard Job 守卫者
Can be set to attack monsters
Can be set to attack animals
Agro range can be set (min 2 max 25 block range)
Bard Job 吟游诗人
Bards can play a song
The bard will start playing when you get within the on range
The bard will stop playing if you go past the off range if its set to jukebox
Bards can be made to hold a Banjo or Violin (will switch back to normal weapons when attacked)
If you set to play as a jukebox you can turn it off and on and the further away you get the softer it will sound
If you play it in background you cant turn it off and it wont get softer if you go further away
Music added have to be in .ogg format use the online converter or programs like FFCoder
Warning use royalty free music or music you own if you are planning to make a public adventure map. You and your lets players on youtube could get into trouble.
To include your music put it in .minecraft\customnpcs\assets\customnpcs\sounds
Next you will have to edit the sounds.json file. Incase you dont know how look at the one included with the mod or search on youtube
Music included with the mod is made by TheKyleb
- 吟游诗人会放歌
- 可以在当你接近时再放歌
- 可以设置当你离开后就停止播放
- 可以使用提琴 五弦琴
- 可以是点歌机, 可以停止. 距离越远声音越小.
- 可以是背景音乐, 无法停止. 声音不会随着距离变小
- 把音乐放到".minecraft\customnpcs\assets\customnpcs\sounds"目录下, 这样你就可以填入你自己的音乐了
- 接下来你需要修改sounds.json文件. INFO中有介绍
- mod里已经包含了一些TheKyleb制作的音乐
Healer Job 治疗者
Healer will heal players who are within range.
You can set the range and the healing speed
Boss Job (未实现)
Spawner Job 召唤师
Has 3 settings to spawn entities
One by one
All at once
Can be set to die after its done spawning all its entities. (random spawners dont die)
Entities can be spawn with an offset, so you can hide the spawning npc
- 生成有三个选项: 按顺序生成, 全部一起生成, 随机生成
- 可以设置它在完成召唤后死亡(生成生物不会死)
- 可以设置生成偏移量(方便隐藏召唤师)
Conversation Job 群体对话
First row is for the name of the npc that will talk
The line is the line it will say
The delay is for the delay until the next line is said
The lines will only be spoken if the npcs with the names are close to each other
Listening to a conversation can start a quest
If the player has not the correct availability he will no hear the conversation and wont start the quest
Range is for the range that a player can hear the conversation
Delay is how fast the conversation is repeated
- 第一个是聊天中的NPC名称
- 可以有多行台词
- 可以设置说出下一行的延迟
- 如果NPC名字与玩家名字相同那么NPC只会说出全部台词
- 可以让玩家通过听一个对话来开始任务
- 如果玩家不可用, 那么他将不会看到对话也不会开始任务
- 可以设置玩家"听到"对话的范围
- 对话重复的延迟