Frequently Asked Questions - PluginWiki/Custom-Npcs-Wiki GitHub Wiki
FAQ | 大杂烩
When will you release feature xxx?
When I think thats ready to be released. Stop asking. It will be done when its done. Every now and than Ill ask what I should work on next. Get your vote in than.
当我准备好要发布的时候.别再问了.当一个特性被我们完成了它就是完成了. 现在或者将来我可能会寻问每个人关于下一步的工作. 那时候你们投票就好了.
My NPC skins look all messed up
Going from 1.7 to 1.8 minecraft changed the player skin format from 64×32 to 64×64. So if you are on 1.7 make sure your skin is 64×32 and when on 1.8 make sure you have a correct 1.8 skin. Alternatively in 1.8 you can change to the CustomNPCs 64×32 model
1.8的皮肤格式从原来1.7的6432改为了6464. 因此如果你在使用1.7务必确认没有使用新版皮肤. 1.8直接使用新版皮肤即可.另外, 在1.8你可以改变自定义NPC模组的64*32模型.
Where are npcs saved to?
My npcs just like every other entity are saved inside the world. Asking where the npcs are saved is like asking where zombies are saved really. Npcs in your cloner are saved in the .minecraft/customnpcs/cloned.dat
我们的NPC就像其他实体一样保存在存档里. 问这个的话你就像在问僵尸被保存在哪里一样(无意义). 你复制的僵尸保存在".minecraft/customnpcs/cloned.dat"目录下.
Does this have multiplayer support?
Yes it does. Read the installation guide if you want to know how to install it on your server.
支持的. 阅读安装教程如果你想要在你的服务器上安装该模组.
My inventory screen is messed up or conflicting
My mod edits the inventory screen, but there are more mods out there that do this, which usually results into conflicts. You can disable my inventory by going to your .minecraft/config/CustomNpcs.cfg and set InventoryGuiEnabled=false
这个模组修改了背包界面. 但是其他的模组也有可能会这么做, 这就导(hen)致(gan)了(ga)冲(le)突. 你可以在".minecraft/config/CustomNpcs.cfg"文件中停用我修改过的背包. 只要设置"InventoryGuiEnabled=false"即可.
How do I delete Npcs
Right click an npc with the Npc Wand and press delete.
用NPC选择工具右键NPC并点击"delete"删除 (译者注: 我不知道这模组有没有自带中文语言)
How can I add my custom skins
Add your skins to the .minecraft/customnpcs/assets/customnpcs folder or add them to your resourcepack.
Help how do I remove the crafting recipes for the npc tools
Create an npc goto global -> recipes -> general -> select a recipes -> press delete.
创建一个NPC并前往 global -> recipes -> general -> select a recipes -> 单击delete (如果中文应该为 全局设置 -> NPC合成表 -> 一般 -> 选择一个合成方法 -> 单击删除)
What is the crafting recipe for x and y
Create an npc goto global -> recipes -> general -> press add and create the recipe for it 创建一个NPC并前往 global -> recipes -> general -> 单击add 然后创建一个合成配方 (如果有中文应该为 全局设置 -> NPC合成表 -> 一般 -> 单击添加然后创建一个合成配方)
Does this work on bukkit?
There are no mods that work on bukkit currently. Mods are fundementally different from bukkit plugins. Plugins can only add commands and functionality. Bukkit plugins can NOT add guis, mobs, items, blocks. If you really want the mod on bukkit try mcpc plus, its an experimental bukkit project that works with forge mods. Its basically a bukkit alternative that works with bukkit plugins and forge mods.
目前没有任何一个模组可以在Bukkit中工作. 模组从根本上就不同于Bukkit插件. 插件只能添加指令和功能(谁说的). Bukkit插件不能添加GUI(创建一个背包里面放方块, 检测拿取事件), 生物, 物品, 方块(1.9可以用材质包添加方块了吧, 没有装材质包就是紫黑格子). 如果你真的想要在Bukkit上安装这个模组, Bukkit有个试验性项目. 这是个另类: 他可以兼容Bukkit插件和forge模组
How do I make xx Item shoot?
To make an npc shoot, simply equip the item you want it to shoot, e.g. bullits, in the shoot slot. Than go to the stats menu and set the attack range to 10. It will now shoot your item.
要让NPC发射东西, 你需要把他发射的东西放进shoot物品栏. 然后在统计菜单中设置NPC的攻击范围为10. 他就可以发射你的物品了.
When I equip weapon X or armor Y it doesnt do Z
Everything you equip is purely aesthetic, no special efffects, no working enchants.
How do I add models?
You can’t add models yourself currently. This will be a feature Ill add later.
你不能自己添加模型. 这将稍后会是个新的功能.(1.9材质已经支持自定义模型了)
How do I add sounds?
Short answer the same as in resource packs. Longer answer check the CustomNPCs info page. For more information about how to create a sounds.json search on youtube for: sounds.json.
简单来说: 做个材质包. 详细点你需要看看INFO页面.
My mods work great on singleplayer, but not on my server / Npcs wont spawn/ Npcs are invisible.
Short awnser: The mods on your client and server need to be exactly the same. Long answer: To prevent entity id conflicts there is a function called getUniqueEntityId which gets a unique entity id for my npcs. What happens if your client has more mods with entities is that the entity ids arent synced on server and client, because the other entity took the entity id one of my npcs should have gotten. So don’t use mods that add entities on your client that the server doesnt have. It can also be that if you are using things like worldguard that its preventing them from spawning.
简短的回答: 安装在你客户端和服务端上的模组需要完全一样. 更详细的答案: 避免在方法"getUniqueEntityId"(获取NPC的UUID)中NPC的ID冲突.如果你的客户端有很多其他添加实体的模组并且这些实体无法在客户端与服务端之间同步就会发生这样的事情, 这是因为其他实体的UUID与你的NPC的UUID相同. 因此客户端不要使用未安装在服务端的模组.