Factions Setup - PluginWiki/Custom-Npcs-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Faction points


In 1.5 faction points were introduced. Every player has now faction points and how many points the player has determines if the faction is unfriendly/neutral/friendly.

The Points textfield determines how many points a player will start with. The next textfield determines at how many points a faction becomes neutral to a player and the one after that the friendly.

Unfriendly factions will attack a player on sight and cant be interacted with. Neutral factions will only attack a player when the player attacks them and can be interacted with. Friendly factions wont attack players and players can damage them and can be interacted with.

Killing npcs / doing quests / reading dialogs can increase a certain players faction points. (this is not in the 1.5 beta yet)

In the global > player data menu, you can reset the faction points of a player.

  • 1.5版本里出现阵营点数. 每个玩家现在有阵营点来衡量对某个阵营是 友好/中立/敌对的
  • 在点数相关里面, 第一个为加入阵营时的默认点数. 下面两个字段是 敌对->中立 中立->友好的分界点
  • 敌对阵营的NPC将会攻击在视线内的玩家. 玩家不能与敌对阵营NPC交互.
  • 中立阵营的NPC只会在被攻击时反击. 可以交互.
  • 友好阵营的NPC受到攻击不会进攻. 可以交互.
  • 杀死NPC 做任务 对话 可以改变阵营点数
  • 在 全局设置 -> 玩家档案 菜单中, 你可以修改玩家的阵营点数

Change the faction


Navigate to Npc Main Menu -> Factions
Select the faction you want 
  • 打开NPC高级设置 -> 阵营
  • 选择你想要的阵营

Default Factions


如下图所示 图片

Add a new Faction


Navigate to Npc Main Menu -> Factions
Click Add
You can name the faction
You can set a faction color. The colors are in hexadecimals use ColorPicker
You can set the faction points
And you can determine against which factions it will be aggressive 
  • 进入 NPC主菜单 -> 阵营
  • 点击添加
  • 你可以命名阵营
  • 你可以设置阵营颜色. 这个颜色可以用选色器选择
  • 你可以设置阵营点
  • 你还可以设置这个派系与其他派系的关系

Make npcs fight eachother


Navigate to Npc Main Menu -> Factions
Select the faction you want to attack other factions
Select the faction you want the faction to attack at the bottom left.
Go to advanced -> faction menu and select to attack hostile factions. 
  • 进入 NPC主菜单 -> 阵营
  • 选择一个要主动攻击其他阵营的阵营
  • 选择一个其他阵营你想要攻击的
  • 到 高级设置 -> 阵营 菜单 然后选择攻击敌对的阵营