Show Function Help - Plexxi/PlexxiControlCLI GitHub Wiki
The show functions generally report data from switch, ring or control
#showRingSummary() Ring overview information
>>> showRingSummary()
Ring Name: PlexxiRing-76d1c496-ace1-4186-88f2-88d2c7cda85e
NumConfluentRings: 1
Active switches ( 6 )
Switch: P_01 , stationMac: 08:00:00:00:00:01 - S3P - CLIENT_UNRESPONSIVE
Switch: P_02 , stationMac: 08:00:00:00:00:02 - S3P - CLIENT_UNRESPONSIVE
....manually truncated by author
>>> showSwitchPorts('P_04')
Switch Name: P_04
stationMac: 08:00:00:00:00:04
uuid: 0373410004190000bf2d4c5e417ace56
Switch InPorts:
Name: myPort - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 SFP
Name: SwitchFabricPort#2 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 SFP
Name: SwitchFabricPort#3 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 SFP
....output truncated by author
Name: SwitchFabricPort#39 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 QSFP
Name: SwitchFabricPort#40 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 QSFP
Name: SwitchFabricPort#37 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 QSFP
Name: SwitchFabricPort#38 - Type: Access - Status: Up / Disabled - Speed: 10000 QSFP
....output truncated by author
Name: SwitchFabricPort#43 - Type: Uplink - Status: Up / Enabled - Speed: 10000 Lightwave
Name: SwitchFabricPort#44 - Type: Uplink - Status: Up / Enabled - Speed: 10000 Lightwave
Name: SwitchFabricPort#41 - Type: Uplink - Status: Up / Enabled - Speed: 10000 Lightwave
#showSwitchIPs() Prints a list of Switch IP Addresses
>>> showSwitchIps()
Name IP address
Single Switch Summary
>>> showSwitchSummary('P_04')
Switch: P_04 , stationMac: 08:00:00:00:00:04 - S3P - CLIENT_UNRESPONSIVE
#showSwitchPeers(switchNameString) Show the port to port peering table for the requested switch
>>> showSwitchPeers('P_04')
Peering on switch [ P_04 ]
Outport PeerSwitch.InPort
------- -------------------
40 P_03.(41)
41 P_05.(40)
42 P_03.(43)
43 P_05.(42)
44 P_03.(45)
...output truncated by author
Number of OutPorts with peers: 24 , out of total uplink outPorts: 24
InPort PeerSwitch.OutPort
------- -------------------
40 P_03.(41)
41 P_05.(40)
42 P_03.(43)
43 P_05.(42)
...output truncated by author
Number of InPorts with peers: 24 , out of total uplink inPorts: 24
#showFsat() Lists all the FSATs by MAC address pair - this function needs some data enrichment
>>> showFsat()
Src Mac Dst Mac Wght Valid? Topology
08:35:A4:00:00:03 -> 08:35:A4:00:00:04 100 True FwdTopo490
(Interconnect136) - Leaving: P_02/port54 Arriving: P_05/port55
(Interconnect99) - Leaving: P_01/port58 Arriving: P_03/port59
#showMac(macString) displays all the enrichment information on the MAC argument
>>> showMac('08:35:A4:00:00:04')
('showMac', '08:35:A4:00:00:04')
Mac 08:35:A4:00:00:04 is on Plexxi Switch sim_06, port 5 VLAN 1
Port Link Status is Up, Admin State is Disabled
List of harvested data for this Mac
HostName = simV-HOST-S06-P04 - VLANs = 1
#showVlans() displays all the system VLANs, by switch and port, native or not
>>> showVlans()
Switch sim_01 - 08:00:00:00:00:01 (3 vlans)
VLAN$0 : vlan 1 Native Ports: 1-40
VLAN$1 : vlan 100 Ports: 14,19,26
VLAN$2 : vlan 200 Ports: 2,34
..stuff deleted by author...
Switch sim_05 - 08:00:00:00:00:05 (2 vlans)
VLAN$0 : vlan 1 Native Ports: 1-40
VLAN$5 : vlan 35 Ports: 1,3,5
Vlans in system: 9 (unassociated 0), assigned: 9, unassigned: 0