Web Services - PlanX-Universe/sh GitHub Wiki

The SH planning system offers a variety of APIs, accessible through the base URL ( These APIs provide functionality ranging from a system status check to planning with domain models and problem instances. Below is an overview of the available APIs:

  1. Status

    • Route: status
    • Type: GET
    • Description: Check whether the SH server is running.
  2. Verify Domain Model

    • Route: syntax-verification/domain
    • Type: POST
    • Description: Check the syntactical correctness of a domain model. The domain model must be passed as an argument in the POST request.
  3. Verify Problem Instance

    • Route: syntax-verification/problem
    • Type: POST
    • Description: Check the syntactical correctness of a problem instance. The problem instance must be passed as an argument in the POST request.
  4. Plan with Domain Model and Problem Instance

    • Route: plan-generation/domain-and-problem
    • Type: POST
    • Description: Generate a plan if the domain model and problem instance are syntactically correct. Both must be passed as arguments in the POST request.
  5. Plan with a Problem Instance

    • Route: plan-generation/problem-in-string
    • Type: POST
    • Description: Generate a plan for a provided problem instance. The corresponding domain model must exist in the SH's repository.
  6. Plan with Domain Model and Problem Instance Names

    • Route: plan-generation/<domainName>/<problemName>
    • Type: GET
    • Description: Generate a plan if such exists. The domain model name and problem instance name must be part of the route and match the names of the files representing them.
  7. Store Domain Model and Problem Instance

    • Route: storing/domain-and-problem
    • Type: POST
    • Description: Store a domain model and problem instance in the SH repository only if they are syntactically correct. Both must be passed as arguments in the POST request.

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