handlers.indielogin - PlaidWeb/Authl GitHub Wiki

authl.handlers.indielogin: IndieLogin validation

This handler authenticates against IndieLogin to provide IndieAuth and RelMeAuth functionality. You can use any IndieLogin instance; it defaults to the main one at indielogin.com. Note that to use that instance you will have to register a client ID.

Simple configuration

def from_config(config):
    """ Instantiate an IndieLogin handler from a configuration dictionary.

    Possible configuration values:

    INDIELOGIN_CLIENT_ID -- the client ID to send to the IndieLOgin service (required)
    INDIELOGIN_ENDPOINT -- the endpoint to use for the IndieLogin service
        (default: https://indielogin.com/auth)
    INDIELOGIN_OPEN_MAX -- the maximum number of open requests to track
    INDIELOGIN_OPEN_TTL -- the time-to-live of an open request