Prototype - PiyushGoel1302/goel-piyush-web-dev GitHub Wiki
Project Prototype
Click here forUser to user relation: A user can follow another user. To test this:
Login as Alice Click the "Following" button in the header to see all the users Alice is following. To follow new user click use search bar below the list of following users. Enter Boston or Paris to see the list of users Hosting in these places. Click "Follow/Unfollow" button.
User to domain relation: A user can save a city in their wish list. To test this:
Login as Alice Click on "Search place" button in the header. Search for the desired city, an "Add to wish list/Remove from wish list" button will appear with results. Click on "Add to wish list/Remove from wish list" button Navigate back to own profile and click on "Wish List" button to see the list of cities bookmarked.