Feature Spec: Memento Hashtags - Pixanthropy/pixanthropy-web GitHub Wiki

#Overview Hashtags (text prefixed with # and terminated with a non-alpha character) are used to describe, group, and discover related mementos. Hashtags can be entered in the Memento's description text. Multiple hashtags can be associated with a single memento. When entering a hashtag, available matching tags should be suggested to the user. Hashtags should also be highlighted in the editor control, if possible.


  • Hashtags are searchable from the user's memento feed
  • Matching hashtags are suggested when typing a hashtag in the Memento description editor
  • Hashtags are hyperlinked to the /hashtag/{hashtag_without_pound_sign}
  • Search is case-insensitive

#Technical Specifications ##Database ###Hashtags Table Create a table for hashtags. Hashtags are stored in lower case. Hashtag value is a unique index (key?). There's really no other information which seems necessary for that table.

###Memento Hashtags Table Cross-reference table to store relationship between Hashtags table and Mementos table. Fields include:

  • MementoId
  • HashTag

##API ###Create & Update Memento When memento's are created or updated, parse the description field for any instances of hashtags and update the Hashtags and MemementoHashtags tables accordingly.

POST: /api/mementos
PUT: /api/mementos/{id}

Rules for Hashtag Parsing:

  • Must contain at least one alpha character
  • Hashtags cannot contain spaces or non-alphanumeric characters with the exception of underscore (allowed characters include upper- and lowercase letters, digits, and underscore)
  • Max length: 50
  • No min length

###Memento Details Route: GET: /api/mementos/{id}
Response Body:
Memento should include Dictionary property keying hyperlinks by hashtags as follows: { "#{hashtag_value}", "<a href="~/hashtag/{hashtag_value}">#{hashtag_value}</a>" }.

###Search Hashtags The hashtag search route will return paged memento data (MementoBadgesResponse) with mementos containing the hashtag value. Use the last query timestamp to return new mementos with the next page.

Route: GET: /api/hashtag/{value}

Querystring Parameters:

  • skip count
  • Page size
  • last query timestamp

Response Body:
Return memento data as an enumerable of MementoBadgesResponse sorted by the Memento's date created in descending order.

###Lookup Matching Hashtags Returns hashtags starting with the value received in the param. Compare the lower-case version of the search text with the lower-case text in the database.

Route: GET: /api/hashtag?match={searchText}

Querystring Parameters:

  • Search text - the text for which to return matching hashtags

Response Body: Return an enumerable of resulting hashtag matches with their case-formatting. Return the first 25 results sorted alphabetically.

##UI ###Memento Editor When creating a new Memento or editing the description of an existing Memento, users can add hashtags to the memento's description. When the user begins typing a hashtag (see below for hashtag rules), call the Search Hashtag API Endpoint to get a collection of know hashtags matching the supplied text.

Here's a jQuery plugin which seem well suited for the job. Along with the auto-complete functionality, the plugin claims to be compatible with another called jQuery.overlay to enable the hashtag to be highlighted within the editor controls.

###Memento Details When displaying the Memento Details view, the hashtag values within the description will need to have hyperlinks injected. The Memento Details API response will include a member containing a dictionary of hashtags with the url to search for mementos with the same hashtag. Do a case-insensitive search on the key (hashtag) and replace with the linked value.

NOTE: Use the actual text from the description as the link text so that the case-formatting is preserved.