Day 6 - PitchEngine/code-wyoming GitHub Wiki


###900 Code Review! Look at projects from Day 5.


The Box Model

Content Box
  • width and height
  • avoid % height for now
  • total width vs width
Padding, Border

Nothing new to add!

  • Margin collapse
  • centering with auto
Boxes Project

Make a few boxes, some inside others, setting width, height, margin, border, padding, and background-color (to help visualization)



Floats are our first look into doing actual layouts with our code.

Normal flow

The browser reads, and displays code, line-by-line, top to bottom


The float property takes none | left | right values.

A floated element...

  1. Render's in normal flow order
  2. Shifts as far left or right as possible within its container
  3. When floating a block element, be sure to set its width property.
  4. Elements after the floated element will "bubble" up and around it.
  5. Margin is useful to push the "bubbled up" elements away from the floated element.
  1. Create a new file
  2. Create a div with id="wrapper" in your body. We'll use this div to center everything
  3. Place an H1 with text "Learning About Floats" inside of the #wrapper div.
  4. Place an image with src="//" after the H1.
  5. Put a paragraph with two sentences worth of text after the img.
  6. Center your wrapper with a width of 640px.
  7. Look at your handiwork, and observe normal flow.
  8. Create the following classes in your css
.float-left {
    float: left;
.float-right {
    float: right;

Alternate putting float-left and float-right on your image and see what happens.


The floated elements container may "collapse". We fix that with clear.

clearfix on ....

  • <br>
  • subsequent content

Using overflow:auto to prevent parent collapse


Try the br , overflow, and content clearfixes.


Build a website with a left nav.