Day 23 - PitchEngine/code-wyoming GitHub Wiki

#jQuery Basics Review

var someElement = $('#someElement'); //get someElement and save it in a var

jQuery Classes

// NOTE: Don't write it as ".aClass" (no period)
//       We aren't writing selectors.
//Add a class
//Remove a class
//Toggle a class
//Ask *if* an element has a class (returns true or false)

jQuery Events

Click Events

var elementToClick = $('#clickMe');
//Here's the magic. () {
    //Write the code to execute on a click.

var functionToRunOnClick = function () {
    //Write the code to execute on a click.
//You can instead pass a variable that holds a function.
//Note the lack of () after the variable name,
// we're not running it, just referencing it.;

Scroll Events

Detect when the user scrolls using .scroll(..).

Scroll let's us say, "When the user scrolls, run this code (or better put, run this function)"

//We want to watch for scrolls on the window itself.
//Note the lack of quotes -- it's a variable, not a string.
//(window is already created by the browser for us, like document)
$(window).scroll(function () {//again, you can use a variable instead
    //This code will get run a lot! Be careful.
    //Use $(window).scrollTop() to get how far the user has scrolled.
    var distanceScrolled = $(window).scrollTop(); //returns a number
    if (distanceScrolled > 300) {
        //run this code when we're more than 300px down the page.


When jQuery functions return the element you are operating on, you can chain multiple operations.


jQuery Getters & Setters

Getters/Setters are a common theme throughout jQuery. They are functions that, when given no parameter, return ("get") the value. When given a parameter, they "set" the value.


Getting Text

Pass no value to .text() to get the element's text.

var userName = $('input#userName').text();

Setting Text

Pass a string to set the element's text.

$('#set-my-text').text('Text set!');

Putting it together

//Get the name the user typed in.
var userName = $('input#userName').text();
//Make sure that user name exists.
if (userNotFound(userName)) {
    $('#statusBox').text('That user name was not found.');
} else {
    //User exists.. do login, or what have you

Project: Unread email tracker

Write some javascript that changes the title of a page to reflect the number of unread emails, like Gmail does.


$('#messageBox').html('This is a message with <strong>strong</strong> elements in it, and a <a href="">link</a>. It overwrote whatever was in the messagebox')

Creating and Appending Elements

The jQuery function, when given html rather than a css selector, will create the html.

Creating elements

Create a div

var newDiv = $('<div>');//make me a div and save it in `newDiv`
//newDiv is not yet a part of the dom! it only exists in the JS.
newDiv.text('Text inside the div, brah.').click(function () {..});

Create an h2

var newH2 = $('<h2>').text('This is a heading');
var otherH2 = $('<h2>This is a heading</h2>');

Appending Elements (Inserting into DOM, etc)

Append inserts things as the last element in the target.


To append an element, call its appendTo function, passing the element you want to append it to.

var h1 = $('<h1>').text('My Webpage');
var body = $('body');


This code does the same as the code above.

var h1 = $('<h1>').text('My Webpage');
var body = $('body');


Same functionality as append, but inserts it as the first element in the parent.



insertBefore & insertAfter

<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>
$( "<p>Test</p>" ).insertAfter( ".inner" );
<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>

//Insert a new li at the 5th position.
$( "<li>Test</li>" ).insertAfter( "li:nth-child(4)" );

Removing elements from the dom




Unattach removes the element from the DOM, but does not delete it. That way, we can save it in a variable, and reattach (append, prepend, insert, etc) it later.

var keepForLater = $('#keepMe').unattach();

Inputs: A quick look at forms

<!-- Notice: No closing tag -->

Input Types

type attribute

<!-- the default -->
<input type="text">
<!-- hides the text entered into it -->
<input type="password">

Accessing Input Values via jQuery

<input type="text" id="userName" placeholder="User Name">
//Get whatever has been typed into the #userName element.
var userNameValue = $('#userName').val();

val is a getter/setter.

//Enter 'Bob Smith' into the #userName element.
$('#userName').val('Bob Smith');

Project: Ghost login screen

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️