Day 19 - PitchEngine/code-wyoming GitHub Wiki

Bootstrap Javascript Components

A majority of interactive javascript components use the data-toggle attribute to specify which javascript function to use, and a css selector written in a data-target attribute to specify the effect's target.


The easiest way to create a dropdown is to create a .dropdown container, inside of which you place a <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown"> (buttons are fine too) and after that <ul class="dropdown-menu">.

Dropdowns have three parts.

  1. A container with class dropdown
  2. A button or anchor with the attribute data-toggle="dropdown" (and href="#" if using anchors).
  3. A list element with class dropdown-menu

Tabs have two main steps.

  1. Style a tab nav-bar.

    Set each anchor's href to be pointing at the id of the content you want to display.

  2. Create a div with class tab-content. Inside of it, place divs with class="tab-pane" and set their id to correspond with the links in the navbar.

    Additionally add the active class to the div that should start displayed.

For fanciness, add fade to each .tab-pane to get a nice transition effect. Add in to your initial pane as well, so its class structure would be tab-pane fade in active.

Collapse / Accordion

Collapse works very similarly to the dropdown components.

At its most basic, it needs only two pieces, the button to trigger the collapse, and a container with the content to collapse.

  1. On the button, set data-toggle="collapse" and data-target="#example"

  2. On the content, set its id="example" and give it a class of collapse.

    You can additionally add the class in to make the collapsed content start visible.

Collapse can also use the data-parent attribute to specify the parent of multiple collapses. This way, all collapsible elements under the specified parent will be closed when this collapsible item is shown.

The collapse plugin works really well with the panel component.

Bootstrap will make auto-collapsing navbars for us.

Navbars are all wrapped within a <nav> element that has the classes navbar and one of either navbar-default or navbar-inverted depending on the styling you want.

<nav class="navbar navbar-default">

From here, we typically insert a container or container-fluid in the navbar to center and pad the content.

<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
    <div class="container">

Navbar Mobile Button

To add a button that opens and closes the menu for mobile views, give it the class "navbar-toggle". Then, use the collapse techniques to have it toggle your display. That is..

  1. Add data-toggle="collapse" to the button.
  2. Add data-target="#header-content" to the button.

This button is best placed inside a div.navbar-header alongside a brand.

<div class="navbar-header">
  <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#example-navbar-collapse">
    <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
    <!-- draw the hamburger -->
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>

Navbar Fullscreen content

All content you want displayed only on larger screens belongs inside of a div with two classes.

  1. The first is collapse, which hides the content and makes for smooth toggling with buttons.

  2. The second is navbar-collapse, which overrides collapse and displays the content on larger screens.

Navbar content styling

Use navbar-left and navbar-right to align menu items.

Navs should still be in unordered lists, with the BS classes of nav and navbar-nav

Fix a nav by adding the navbar-fixed-top or navbar-fixed-bottom classes. Keep in mind, you'll need to add padding to the body to keep content behaving.


Carousels begin with a container that must have an ID on it to work properly. The carousel should also have a class of carousel. Finally, use the data-ride="carousel" property to kick in the javascript.

(Note: On the examples, carousels also have a slide class. I couldn't find that it actually did anything.)

<div id="my-carousel" class="carousel" data-ride="carousel">

Inside of the carousel container you will place three separate components. They are:

  1. The carousel indicators.
  2. The carousel content.
  3. The carousel controls.

Carousel indicators

The carousel indicators are the nice little dots that indicate which position you are at within the carousel. They are made from an ordered list with class carousel-indicators

Within the ordered list, each li will have two data properties

  1. data-target="#my-carousel" (or whatever your carousel container's ID is)
  2. data-slide-to="0" (the slide number each li corresponds to, start with the first slide being "0")

Finally, the carousel indicator that is active when the screen loads should have a class of active.

Carousel Content

The carousel's content (that is, the slides themselves) go within a div.carousel-inner. Inside of that, you will repeat this pattern for each slide:

  1. Give the slide a container with class item
  2. Place an image in the container
  3. Add the active class to the slide that starts visible.

Slide captions

If you want to add captions to your slides, do the following.

  1. Add an additional div within the div.item, after the img tag.
  2. Give this div a class of carousel-caption
  3. Add whatever content you want over the slide within the carousel-caption
  4. Et voila.

Carousel controls

The carousel controls should go at the end of your carousel container. The code is fairly generic, so I'm just going to copy and paste it below. The things you want to be careful of are the data-slide, href and class attributes on each a tag. The content within each tag is up to you; in this examle, we're seeing bootstraps default glyphicon spans.

<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide="prev">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>
  <a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide="next">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

Multiple carousels

This is why you must give each carousel an ID for things to work correctly. As long as you assigned unique IDs, things will work well.

Project: Carousel Example

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