Release Checklist - PintaProject/Pinta GitHub Wiki

Release Checklist

  • Ensure that all bugs targeted for the next release have been fixed.
  • Ensure that add-ins have been rebuilt against the latest version
  • Pull in the updated translations from Launchpad.
  • Update the list of contributors (Pinta/Actions/Help/AboutDialogAction.cs). Contributors for the release are tracked in
  • Ensure that the copyright year in the About Dialog is up to date.
  • Write release notes, including a list of bug fixes, new features, and any changes to dependencies that may affect distro packages. The file provides a good starting point.
    • Also update the user guide with any relevant changes.
  • Add the release notes to xdg/ (example).
  • Create a release branch (e.g. release-1.4) so that development may continue on the master branch.
  • When ready, create a signed tag for the release, e.g. git tag -s 2.0.
  • Create builds for each platform:
    • Linux: run make dist and make dist-zip from a clean checkout
      • Also sign the release archives
        • gpg --digest-algo SHA512 --armor --detach-sign pinta-2.1.1.tar.gz
        • gpg --verify pinta-2.1.1.tar.gz.asc pinta-2.1.1.tar.gz
        • sha512sum pinta-2.1.1.tar.gz > pinta-2.1.1.tar.gz.sha512
      • Test building from the release tarball to ensure that all required files were included
    • OSX & Windows: Use the installers from the CI builds.
    • Notify maintainers of the Flatpak and Snap packages to prepare builds for the new release.
  • Add an entry and upload files to the releases page
  • Update the website.
  • Send an announcement to the mailing list.
  • Bump version numbers for the next round of development (example) and add a blank entry in