feedbackfriday - Pidroh/HaxeRPGUtilities GitHub Wiki


ymhsbmbesitwf 21/12/27

ยท One bug i saw was lagrima stones sometimes disappeared/stayed at 0 despite the message of getting them.

Other than that i have a few opionions on balance/lack of clarification: mana is only recovered on leveling up(?), special areas don't clarify whether the "permanent increase" carries through a prestige/soul crush or is a lie, there's no automated leveling up or going to the next area (it feels like one of those should be at least optionally automatic).


Christoffer playtest

  • Player was confused after restarting the game at a hard area
  • Player is confused when things happen when he is at other menus (player dying, area completed. Not sure if I want to stop battle when in other screens though)
  • player is somehow confused by MP charging?
  • showing buff duration might be necessary
  • challenge areas are not clearly being recognized as challenge areas
  • player only cares about attack power
  • +10% better than 110% (true)


the defense gain is bugged Pedro: no idea what this is


It was interesting, good animations during fight sequences - but I had a hard time understanding the reason I was fighting a goblin or doing anything


From Discord

  • The Isabel route is fine, but imo the You route should just be called "adventure mode" or something like that, make it clear that it's just for progression without any real story. Would appreciate if you could also set your name and icon in said mode, instead of being forced to play as this seemingly random girl
  • Would be nice if your face appeared on the left of the chatboxes as you have it now, but if other people appeared on the right side instead (or at least those who aren't currently active party members)
  • The whole UI really should be centered, the title screen uses the space but the rest of the menus just sit in the top corner
  • Alignment issues abound, almost everywhere - although the battle screen is the worst of the lot. The "Area Clear" screen is also a glaring problem in this respect, the text is entirely off to the right of the Close button?
  • Title Screen: Move the Import and Export save buttons to be over by the rest of the title screen buttons, and in the same style
  • Region Screen: Move the region selectors (the left column) up a bit, to line up with the other sections. Also, dynamically add those black stat lines in the enemy data, rather than having a static defined amount. Needs a scroll bar on the areas section once you get far enough to scroll, too
  • Battle Screen: Other than everything having differing alignments everywhere, there's a few other problems here: ** The exp bar isn't obvious until you notice it lowers when you press "Level Up" - it needs some text telling that it's an exp bar, and imo all the bars should show their current caps (current / max) ** Why is there even a level up button? why is that not automatically done the instant I reach the xp limit? ** The Dropped Equipment section needs to dynamically widen handle items with multiple mods, preferably with items dropping off it after a certain number of mobs (or after going to the Equipment tab) rather than just always being the last 4 items dropped. A dedicated wrapping to the UI element would be good too, it currently just kinda feels like some text dumped on the screen ** Split the combat and non-combat abilities into two groups, and give the non-combat abilities tooltips to tell what they do ** In the first playthrough, when things appear on the screen, they should have an explanation - just active abilities and equipment loadouts for now, but they both just kinda appeared there without any fanfare
  • Equipment Screen: A couple things, not as bad as the battle screen but it does need work: ** Put labels on each of the equipment types, so I know the three are Weapon, Armor, and Class (I'm guessing it's a class selection? hard to tell exactly what that third one is) ** Move the Equip, Sell, and Upgrade buttons to be centered over the items, and move the currencies up to be by the stats (or even above them) ** Make "Sell worse equipment" be a button that appears under the Sell button when you're in sell mode, as well as add a couple other mass-sell options - Physical/Magical Weapons, Sell Everything, etc. ** Not sure whether items are supposed to sell for circles and are just giving me squares instead, or if the graphics are bugged and it's all supposed to be squares ** Can't sell the starter class, even though I'm not using it? ** Can't upgrade classes either, the cost of upgrading them should be obviously not a number, rather than zero ** Upgraded items should sell for more, it sucks spending a hundred lagrima on an item then selling it for the same 4 as the rest of the items you have

  • The action bar confused me for a moment, as i believed the highlighted area would be to action to be issues next, but instead it is already completed as soon as it appears in the highlighted frame. Nothing major, i would have considered doing it differently.

An option to be sorting equipment would be rather nice, maybe locking equipment too? im not sure if the autosell button would possibly sell something i have equipped in another set, probably not i assume?

Soul Crush not having auto advance area being a pain in the ass

DATABASE FEEDBACK "Add exit, allow me to minimize, and allow for auto reatart of lvl(may be in the game and I'm not far enough in yet). I may submit more later. Thanks for now."

"Started the game. BOOM... it's fullscreen with no settings whatsoever. There is no mode choice, no resolution choice, nothing. The only way around is to alt+enter but than I still can't resize the window. IMO there should be either free choice of size (like I can resize web browser) or at least a set number of available resolutions like NGU. "