Todo - Pidroh/HaxeRPGUtilities GitHub Wiki

GOAL: Decide plans for ending early access and Switch release



  • great link, lifethoughts somewhere:


  • If auomatic exploring in Lu lagrima, show text "automatic exploration" or something near the automatic exploration button like a blinking warning

  • adult games

  • Isabel and Iracema discussing about why invite Isabel's friends. Iracema explains to use Isabel politically. Then Isabel tells her about the assassin. They discuss about why the King would have an assassin at the party. Isabel asks if he would have her friends killed, Iracema says that it would tarnish his honor to have guests killed in his castle. Isabel nods.

update / sale Date: 30th Monday morning at 10AM Pacific time (just make the game go up on monday night)

  • buy dev kit
  • get the game running and see how it plays (might need FPS visualizer)

Chapter 3 names

Moacir: ex boyfriend Mayara: grandma Nina: girl who survives Thauan: boy who dies


Random incremental

strong / important scenes

  • Isabel meeting her friend seeking revenge in the end

  • The King asking Isabel to kill her friends

  • The king showing off his crystal in the room, asking her to stay with him longer in the night

  • Isabel meeting her ex-boyfriend with Victor, they having a discussion, Isabel telling Victor he is not her boyfriend

  • Isabel and Iracema discussing about why invite Isabel's friends. Iracema explains to use Isabel politically. Then Isabel tells her about the assassin. They discuss about why the King would have an assassin at the party. Isabel asks if he would have her friends killed, Iracema says that it would tarnish his honor to have guests killed in his castle. Isabel nods.

  • add "exporting saves is not currently supported" to Steam version

  • wait for nintendo to reply before contacting eastasia

  • release version TESTING only, no actual release

  • prepare for crazygames

  • setup adsense

Theme song


  • probably no arcania lol I think? decide after you have the basic gameplay loop down
  • There are other ways to get feedback, like fangames, newgrounds, etc
  • One idea that has very high independence between both the card game and other systems is:
    • Incremental game unlocks tournaments
    • beating tournaments gets you incremental currency
    • Which helps unlock more tournaments



  • TIME
  • You can reach the final boss in 5~10 minutes
    • arcania gameplay here will be exploration / solving puzzles
    • battle one
    • get party member
    • two battles
    • get party member
    • one battle + sub boss
    • get party member
    • three battles - final boss which has 3 phases
  • then one optional dungeon which isn't too long (shorter than the final dungeon maybe? or simply have two mid bosses + 1 last boss harder than the final boss?)
  • You can defeat the final boss in the first try
  • write a design book more or less for the next game (use arcania to do dungeon exploring in the final dungeon, making arcania the main thing AND making it easier to get incremental people interested)



  • identify a list with all elements in main X gri

    • keyboard
    • mouse
    • rendering
    • calling update
    • gamepad?
    • text asset binding?
    • resolution fixing
    • feedback form
    • steam achievement integration
    • saving
    • loading
  • create reusable code for all reusable stuff in GRI, except feedback form

  • include feedback form which you will have to bring back

  • things you don't need to optimize now

    • string char access in text rendering (very low time consumption)
    • things related to UI element loops (subtrees should greatly help with that)
  • see how you can optimize rendering (specially text)

  • decide if create Unity project or rely on GRI for profiler info

  • consider having your own string format D:


  • decide what game to prioritize

  • 12/13 I think the card game should have a higher priority now

    • deck building can be replaced by
      • selling
      • trading
      • buying
    • Can use arcanum to give extra structure and make the game desirable to incremental fans or not x.x Only if you make it really simple
    • First version of the game can be text based
  • ~12/01 I think prioritizing RPG should be better because

  • Lower dev time means lower time to have a done game

  • Localization system + new game engine can be created sucessfully

  • this should streamline the development of a card game

  • write some structures for both games (card game and RPG), weight goods and bads of both

  • Card game (minimum?)

  • battle system

  • deck building

  • card acquiring

  • basic structure

  • RPG (minimum?)

  • battle system

  • basic structure

  • consider if should create a gameobject based system (GAVE UP ON)

    • needs to generate unity spriteatlas (challenge)
    • worse performance
    • more graphical options
      • freedom is bad?
  • -> consider if should create a buffer based system <-

    • more limited in graphics option
      • limitation is good?
      • not necessarily either
    • better performance
  • create drawMesh renderer

  • think about what to optimize

  • fixing hover situation in resources (> 1ms)

  • depending on why it is heavy, consider

  • probability you cannot do anything when money is full during triple choice

  • fix equipment tab not working well with hover showing

  • fix BLABLA on lower corner of the screen (arcania optimization)

  • fix money not updating during battle (arcania optimization)

Unity measurements 12-2 07:29 am

  • Baseline scene - 70 fps
  • title without profiler - 70 fps
  • title with profiler - 50 fps
    • drawcalls: 244
    • 5.86ms / 29% renderer method
    • 0.74ms / 3.7% update method
  • battle scene - reset
    • drawcalls: 273
    • 8.6ms / 18% renderer method
    • 21.8ms / 47.1% update method

Unity measurements 12-2 07:33 am

  • title

    • update: 0.82ms
      • logic: 0.43ms
      • render: 0.15ms
    • phaser render: 0.76ms
  • battle scene - reset

    • update: 5.48ms
      • logic: 0.44ms
      • render: 1.03ms
    • phaser render: 0.74ms
  • equipment - rituals18

    • update: 9.31ms
      • logic: 6.88ms
        • GRIView: 1.6ms
          • UIElementManager: 1.1ms
        • GRIControlEquip: 1.5ms
        • arcania: 1.3 ms
      • render: 2.3ms
    • phaser render: 2.31ms
  • state for target decision

  • external function to decide target

  • code that starts the action of a player character if both action and target are decided

  • if enemy, automatically start the action when changing state

  • external code for attack execution if not present yet

  • external code for action ending if not present yet

  • tasks for create control code and UI code

  • boss setup

  1. normal boss that deal two of brave damage, is slow, cancels HP attack when broken
  2. boss that deals wave HP damage that can be healed by character 1
  3. boss that whenever he breaks, gains a bunch of shields and targets one character for insta-kill HP attack
  4. boss that, after losing half of his health, will do a really strong attack that deals 90% of HP damage to all, so he must be killed fast before that happens
  5. boss that will once or twice per battle gain a large amount of shields and, if not broken, will do a insta-kill HP attack
  6. boss that will get super strong buff N times per battle
  • 3 Character setup
  1. Rager & Dispeller & Self-buffer (increase HP damage stat for N turns) & weak heal
  • Skill 1: HP damage * 3 + increase self HP damage base for 5 turns + remove buffs of opponent
  • Skill 2: break damage + HP damage * 1.5 + other characters shield + 1
  • passive skill: when you break an enemy, weak heal all
  1. Breaker & Shield Tank
  • Skill 1: break damage * 2 + HP damage one turn immunity
  • Skill 2: break damage to all * 1.5 + provoke all
  • passive skill: increase HP attack when you have no shields when attacking
  1. Healer & shield heal & break all
  • Skill 1: heal one ally for HP, debuff that increases break damage for enemy
  • Skill 2: shield 3 recovery, HP damage on all, debuff that decreases defense

Enemies that require HP damage:

  • boss that does a sure-kill attack after N turns

Enemies that require breaker:

  • Enemies that periodically do a super attack if not broken

  • 4 character setup

  1. Rager & Self-buffer & single-target debuffer
  2. Breaker & Debuffer
  3. Healer & Buffer
  4. Tank (both) & all-target Debuffer
  • start imagining the - config features of the character class
    • possibly separate character from battle_character
  • create new proj by cloning HRPG

Game jam

  • 4 character party

  • turn order

  • break system

  • monsters that show targetp

  • Wait for dude to finish up sounds before sending video

  • send the video to add sound + create music

  • write press release for GamesPR

  • write press release for japan stating you are considering translating the game to Japanese

  • Wait some time for articles before sending pitch to nintendo (1~2 weeks)

  • add to reelase check list : unable to use sword slashes while resting

  • add lock button to skill button


High priority

  • Create new "private" GRI version on new URL
  • Record on the mac with the game canvas slightly higher than 1920x1080, using OBS
  • edit using some software on the mac itself
  • send the video to add sound + create music
  • write press release for GamesPR
  • write press release for japan stating you are considering translating the game to Japanese
  • send all the press releases once video ready
  • GamesPR
  • famitsu
  • PRTimes
  • Wait some time for articles before sending pitch to nintendo (1~2 weeks)

Low priority (maybe only after Nintendo replies)

  • add sounds to the game

After playable is done (0.31r + sounds, nothing else)

  • pitch the game to armor games browser

    • Consider other portals but only if not a pain in the ass
    • leave the link to Steam to only unlock after some time and available on the end of chapter 1
  • upload the game to Newgrounds

  • video edition by brazilian OR just do fiverr OR freelancer (contest with 300 dollars?)

    • might aswell consider doing it yourself since you pretty much have to record all the footage and think of the trailer story to get a fiverr person AND a non-fiverr is too expensive... But Freelancer might also work, specially a contest
  • consider getting steam deck for video edition & recording

    • should consider getting Steam deck NOW and also make sure the monitor allows for the kind of streaming you need
  • I need to organize my priorities in the roadmap and define a clear goal

    • I am lost regarding trailer creation, Switch goal of 2022 (probably needs to be canceled, cannot make it 45 days since I still need sound, trailer and press release)
    • The current situation is that:
      • I benefit from polishing the game to a certain extent because it can get on Switch
      • there is no reason to over-polish this if you can't get it on Switch guaranteed
        • Might be better to polish only the battle
        • If you can't get there by yourself after press release and trailer, ask for a publisher
          • The guy on reddit posted an interesting publisher
          • There is also the higashi hiroshima one, but I would prefer to avoid it (bad fame in the West?)
      • There is still some stuff to do
        • Lock system finish up
        • align magic attack effects
        • after you get those two done, align press-release with update
  • trailer maker list here: (too expensive)

  • GRI: Furikaeri? Started from a clear goal: infinite game with interesting equipment choices

  • instructions for SFX

    • if possible put the audio added to the video (can pay a little extra)

      • doesn't have to put audio in the whole video, just one sample is enough
    • how do revisions work?

    • how much directing should I do for each sound?

    • specific questions:

      • hurt soudns should feel meaty and cutting through living flesh (blood effects might be added later)
      • UI sounds serious sounds and realistic sounds are better, high frequency sounds can be annoying but I trust the professional
  • what is a good hover soudn? I feel like I had heard one before but forgot where I heard it...

  • figure out what to do next (lock animation higher priority?)

  • fix magic spells

  • maybe not show the unknown tab AT ALL in the trailer

    • hard to market
  • think about unlock animation pixel art thing implementation

  • despell icon broke somehow

  • create market plan for press coverage and showing the game to nintendo

SFX list


Mouse hovers over a button Change tab (change UI mode, change equipment set, same sound) Pressing disabled button


slash (all 3 normal attacks same) change area (steps) Get loot Get gold (similar to diablo get gold sound?) Upgrade item (same as enhance item) Area clear effect Hero get hurt Enemy get hurt Enemy die Hero resting (when the hero is sleeping, maybe no sound here is better) Hero recovering (recovering loop sound, nothing too strong, maybe something similar to the super metroid elevator sound)


  • special slash (all 3 same)
  • red slash
  • black slash
  • fire
  • ice
  • thunder
  • buff
  • debuff
  • heal
  • skill use(short sound common to all skills ?)


Equip item Sell item (same as sell all) Enhance item (same as upgrade item)


Advance message



  • I need to figure out a way to draw sprite sheets without using spine skeletons which are "expensive"
  • I think I'll just create a system that will swap an UIelement STYLE SPRITE to the sprites in a sprite sheet
  • I can add the sprite sheet "receiver" as an offset to the tab buttons
  • in the future, to the arcania UI aswell
  • needs retention (separated by character so not in general settings save)


  • Need retention so you have to figure that out
  • NOtifications need to not be shown if they are in the wrong tab
  • if you see SOME (more than 30%?) of a message, it can get skipped by changing tabs
  • notifications use a Spine skeleton for rendering with an animation and all
  • No reason to support multiple messages output places right now



  • You have the tab system which has tab visibility control done through battle actions
  • You need to communicate with the notification system to inform the system if it wants to unlock something
  • if it is LOCKED but it wants to be visible, it changes state to UNLOCK_REQUEST
  • if you hover with mouse or keyboard, it changes state from UNLOCK_REQUEST to UNLOCK_ANIMATION


  • State 1 : LOCKED (old invisible)

  • State 2 : UNLOCK_REQUEST

    • if you reload the game, it is still in unlock request
    • lock starts going crazy loop

    • lock explode animation after: CHANGE TO UNLOCKED
    • if you load the game during the animation, you can see the aanimation again
  • State 4 : UNLOCKED

    • it loads the notification when it enters this state
    • if you reload the game it doesn't show you again
  • create unlock popup effect yourself

  • play my game and watch other games

    • diablo 3
    • clash of titans
    • brawl stars? (their studio in general might be interesting)
    • league of legends
    • potionomics
  • think of other polish before going to extra optional

  • get equipment effect when the loot goes in

  • unlock something effect of lock break

  • unlock something unlock pop up

  • extra optional polish:

    • make attack animation of normal attack be random instead of sequence
    • change position of ice and fire and thunder damage animation to be align top Y
    • change heavy slash to have point of impact shock
  • bugs:

  • pressing tab doesn't work with keyboard


You define a sprite sheet in-code that will go through an array of sprites. You can access sprite sheet information through a string key. If a skeleton has a slot named "sps:", that means that slot is actually for rendering sprite sheets. You will use alpha to go through the animation. So if alpha is 0 to 255, and the sprites are 1 to 10, alpha 0 is sprite 1. Alpha 128 is sprite 5. And so on.

  • current roadmap
  • name of skill on skill use somewhere
  • decide if enough or if will include more
    • effect on button press
    • special effect on button press (??)

Possible polish

Battle animations I want to include guaranteed

  • ice effect

  • thunder effect

  • fire effect

  • buff effect

  • debuff effect

  • two normal attack animations that change randomly

  • two different slash attack animations for the different slashes

  • decide if whenever you change music volume you change the volume of only currently playing song or all of them (only currently playing should minimize cross-platform usage BUT the methods are the same I think)

  • if there is a music playing, adjust that music's volume

  • question: do you need a master volume node?

  • For the switch, you only need enough for a trailer. Even one song and a couple of sound effects would be enough. Not even Unity support.

  • For a fun game, you don't even need cross fading between musics or fading at all. Just have a playlist and some way to mute the music.

  • Never the less, I do want volume control for each individual SFX. This is something you just need.


  • DECIDE WHAT TO DO: adjusting master audio music audio and sfx audio from settings problem

  • add a gain node for each sound in JS

    • OPTION 1
      • add master gain node in JS and one gain node for each thing in JS
      • set master gain node every time it changes
      • also have nodes for music and SFX...? No. Just kill all SFX lol. And adjust music...
    • OPTION 2
      • keep track of audio playing in engine
      • when you change volume, manually change the volume of every single audio playing
      • SHIT
    • OPTION 3
  • fix music and audio isn't getting loaded twice problem

slider view

  • keyboard behavior

    • does nothing keyboard if not active
    • pressing enter when selected will disable
  • mouse behavior

    • clicking will change the position of the slider
  • add slider view in settings for master volume, SE volume and music volume

  • make slider view change each volume

  • hide SE volume for now since no SE

  • write unity audio backend

  • make audio.js add music one by one to the array somehow

  • have a method not to check if audiosystem is ready, but if that specific audio id can be played

  • test: speed up audio.js loading to not have to wait until all audio

  • study how volume works in unity (master volume or by audio source only?)

    • both systems have a master volume
  • add credits for music

  • First create music playing example code before writing generators

    • still need to load the files though lol
  • music system minimum requirements:

  • loops through sound track

  • can adjust volume with slider

  • story should have no battle music

  • Nice to have:

  • can pick which song you want

  • unique music for story

  • load both music and sound same time (different return methods, different buffers)

  • create loadMusicFunction

  • audio reader

  • use music manually at first before autogen

  • haxe code to autogenerate code to load sound files in an array and create constants with index

  • audio roadmap

  • saturday post about new graphics in a bunch of places

  • post this about halloween later? Way after saturday

  • start looking up how to submit game to Nintendo


Overall comment

  • you can sue effekseer effects but you have to export them from effekseer and then transform into pixel art. Have to test them to see if they work. They do look nice.
  • have to remember attacks are instant in my game though.
  • I would rather just pixel art and be done
  • pixel art also has to go through filtering but it is fine.


One problem I have is that:

  • Improving the game experience

  • Improving graphics

  • Aiming for meaningful content updates (Halloween version?) Feel like different goals. And they are all huge time sinks. Like, I could add a "Unlocked bla" message to the game. But that won't make the game more interesting for Nintendo I think, or improve the experience of the game in the long term, only short-term. On the other hand, adding polish, animations, improving the UI, and brainstorming graphic gimmicks (Arcania catch flower and have some cool animations or whatever lol or feeding into this cool looking energy abll that grows larger and larger) is more effective for Nintendo

  • Current goals?

    • Improve Steam popularity
      • plan content updates
      • improve Steam page
    • Pitch to nintendo
      • improve the game graphically
      • use steam results to increase desirability of the game
  • When can I release the next Steam update?

    • Right after Steam next fest (after October 10th)
    • after the halloween sale
      • Halloween update? Is this meaningful?
        • "Halloween of Blood" centered around blood mechanics
  • new unlock message skeleton on Spine based on fidget spinner RPG?

  • release tasks???? Or wait more? (aim to update on next week? Consider reposting on incremental plaza somehow? Not sure. )

  • post on incremental subreddit after updatin equipment UI

  • sounds

  • icons

  • notifications

  • story

  • landscapes

  • cooking

  • general arcania

  • battlers

  • pixel art porting

  • write somewhere why you should wait more before trying to focus on improving this game or localizing it.

  • things you can do:

    • sound
    • UI with icons
    • localization
      • need to write whole story...?
  • start looking up how to do sounds in

  • save photos of tha dude's UI from incremental games

  • VIEW:

  • icon appears when enemy dead

  • if you mouse over it, a text comes up saying coin+x and fades slowly

  • after hovering, the money gets sucked into the player

  • if too many prizes appear, they will automatically get sucked into the player (no text shows up)

  • if there are too many prizes active, it will automatically turn to a text thing without money showing up


  • Battle manager should have a list of persistent battle prizes

  • you should stop directly adding money

  • add money AFTER hover

  • IF no hover add money on absorption

  • remove the prize from the list once the view has disappeared (make it null, actually)

  • add money icon to game by updating GriPngs

  • start writing data classes for prizes

  • have to credit Kyrise somewhere if use icons

  • redo equipment UI? (priority is a thing <- don't know what this means) with bars


  • add red balls on tabs whenever something happens
    • battle is idle
    • arcania has something
    • got new equipment


  • support for enemy name in button

  • multiple choices of equipment upgrade (or repeatable upgrading)

  • screen fade out with pause and special call back

  • kinda hard to know what the fuck is going between battle and exploration (could really use a transition or different button colors or something...)

  • mile stone: playable prototype in browser

  • mile stone: get lagrima option

  • mile stone: get a random equipment choice

  • mile stone: option to fight enemies with a bonus level

  • fight an enemy

  • fight a slightly stronger enemy

  • fight a stronger enemy carrying extra gold

  • fight a string of enemies (normal / extra XP / extra gold)

  • skip areas

  • upgrade equipment using gold

  • fight elite enemy (if you die, you can no longer fight it)

  • start an "event" (fight a string of enemies, over if you die)

  • get gold

  • add special bonus to equipment (need rare resource)

  • increase equipment rarity -> add mod (need rare resource)

  • possibly stop making the story (weird self satisfaction that nobody wants right now) and focus on adding systems you can reuse in MonCa, while also being able to improve player experience.

----- OLD TASKS lol -----

  • create new enemies

  • Curupira's Minion

  • Caipora's minion

  • Saci's Kin

  • Taira Warrior

  • Taira Brute

  • Knife Taira

  • Taira Archer

  • create bosses

  • blue tiger (go get name)

  • keep adding enemy areas

  • chapter 2 integration

  • aggressive moon / agressive moon

  • beserker - berserker

  • selling icon of resource is wrong sometimes (probably after needing stones to upgrade)

  • magic items

  • fix UI positioning

  • do something about the repository situation

    • main.js getting commited
    • unity generated code getting commited (unity should be it's own repository...? Or not?)
    • Maybe just make auto generated code a part of git ignore and remove it from the repository, leaving everything else in the unity project
    • Maybe just make all main.js ignored files?
  • get patches from stable version into master

  • upload new build on Steam without releasing (developer branch somehow?)

  • decide release date for update

  • unity release checklist with resolution checks

  • release update 1

  • ########################################################

  • you keep thinking about your goals for the year, but you forget about the players. How to make a great game for the players should be your priority.

Sahi backlog

  • Mind to Sahi III
  • smile to sahi that gets percent increases to magic attack, attack and life, while also raising some maxes
  • Mind to Sahi IV (costs esoterism & level > 70), raises a bunch of maxes
    • unlocks percent based speed & defense
  • Further Minds to Sahi mainly increase various maxes
  • flower ornament resource -> craft from flowers, imagination & a bit of esoterism, gets max esoterism (unnecessary for now?)

Rituals skill

  • embed stone with esoterism

polish backlog

  • tab modified system with red dot
  • new button with red dot
  • get XP animation with progressive bar
  • item upgrade animation
  • item equip animation on slot
  • change tab little transition (even just transparency is nice but any sort of animation would be cool)
    • one idea is to have an offset based on your Y and X, that way the screen will come together faster up and slower down, creating the cool classic UI transition effect
  • low frequency polish
    • add animation for new feature unlock in unknown tab
    • skill unlock animation
  • add an extra animation (possibly on a different animation) for extra text
    • rought idea: a little ball drops down and then explodes and some text comes out
    • the text would be for level up "Attack+1" "Magic Attack+1" etc
    • for area clear it would be XP + NNNN


  • have a button on the upper screen (or to the left of the main buttons)
    • this button has a bar similar to MP, where it fills up (cool down) and then runs out (in effect)
    • While this is active, time is sped up (probably by 40%?)
    • after it runs out, there is the cool down
    • can reduce cool down and increase effect time through arcania (Arani, God of Time)

cooking systems

Persona thoughts

  • look up what happened to AKihiko afterwards
  • he became a cop
  • Persona 3 2009-2010
  • Persona 4 2011-2012
  • Persona 5 2016
  • list systems you could have for Fansona Akihiko
  • Cooking - 5 / 7 /
  • Gardening
  • DIY / crafting
  • fishing
  • boxing
  • running
  • mountain climbing
  • book reading

Cooking System for Persona game

  • you have ingredients which are resources
  • you can get ingredients from shops directly or from shopping areas ("gathering" areas which consume 'wallet money', which you can feed from your savings, and drops random ingredients, this can get you good ingredients, you can then use timed button presses to speed it up or just leave it idle, alongisde cool down abilities. Or some other mini game which is not dexterity based but gameplay based?) I think that just using time resource VS idle gains is enough. That means no crazy system, just pick an area, use up time currency and then you can access a temporary shop with some rare ingredients.
  • recipes are just something you "craft"
  • Recipes give a temporary buff (that lasts quite some time)
  • the more different food you eat, the more bonuses you get (with harder and harder threesholds? similar to Proto23 skill/proficiency system or Arcanum action improvement thingy)

RATING = ease to develop / marketing value / gameplay richness



  • time is a resource
  • you get time as a linear result of engaging into battles
    • turns and enemy strength, number of enemies killed etc, is irrelevant here
  • actions can consume different amounts of time

Weapon Skill System

  • persistent data:
    • points
    • per set: points used
      • minor bonus info & high bonus info & path chosen info
  • each level gives 0.5% damage bonus
  • training action which gives points and XP
  • each set has major bonuses and simple bonuses
    • "Improve Your Form" => allows you to spend those points to generate a random upgrade PER set. Quality of that depends on weapon skill level
    • as you reroll simple bonuses by imrpoving the form (or simply "think" about them without rerolling) by using points, you fill up a bar that gives you a major bonus (you can then choose between 3 major bonuses)


Once a character that has counter is attacked, there will be a short delay (shorter than normal attack delay). The words counter will flash on the countering character as he progresses to do a normal attack animation (and use the counter). If actor is dead after the attack, there is no counter attack.


There is an attribute called "Counterattack". If zero, it has no counter attack. if bigger than zero, it looks up counter information from a counter attack table.

  • Counterattack information
  • Element
  • defense influence
  • attack influence
  • damage influence if entity with counter attack is attacked, feed a data array called "buffered counters", and increase turn count speed. If there is a buffered counter, do not do the normal turn action, instead do a counter without increasing the turn count. If there are no counters buffered, put the turn count speed back up.

Story Mode System design OUTDATED TOO COMPLEX

  • Differences from Lagrima Continent
  • no Soul Crush
  • increase-able level cap
  • finite content
  • finite loot
  • new scaling of stats as necessary
  • new level up system (choose from 3 random stats)
  • New Main Systems
  • new semiprocedural region system
  • fixed only once prize for clearing
  • drops with multiple rarities (some of them unique, only drop once)
  • can only get drops for which max resource is higher than 0
  • boss generation system based on a given hero
    • procedurally create a challenging boss based on given hero stats
  • new upgrade system
    • each equipment type has their own currencies
    • costs to upgrade start low and scale
    • limit break is still there
    • adding magic properties to the item is also a thing (after limit breaking X times can reset the item and add magic property)
  • Resource cap system
  • resources have caps
  • certain areas have cap increasing clear bonuses
  • NOTE: I have decided to go against a crafting system to reduce the scope of the game

Animation system design

  • ui elements have an override of attributes for animations
  • there is a Spine animation manager
  • you can load skeleton datas
  • you can load skeletons
  • every animation is associated with one skeleton
  • you can associate ui elements to bones
  • can use spine information to check if animation is playing

UI investigation

Inkscape will be the UI making tool for now... Or not since you want to programatically enforce a lot of things. Maybe will just have a tool for visualizing the UI? Or not? Sounds faster to just draw from inkscape?

KHA investigation

Could draw the font using font size 11, bitmap font also nicely generated. KHA takes a long time to compile and is a bit unstable with many things not implemented. KHA is not so good for me.

Feedback investigation



my current idea is to have lagrima continent as it is, free progression, and have the story area be a single region called main quest where you have a bunch of areas. And have the main quest reset whenever you lose (state this somewhere). The main quest is procedurally generated but mainly from hand inputted data. The story will trigger whenever you clear an area. There will be areas without enemies(what does this mean? Like travelling between regions?).



WINNER: Battle Result button

  • put all battle results in a window that appears after you click it (Battle Results button)
  • potential for cool animations
  • closest to traditional RPG result screens (GOOD)
  • popup with all items gotten (accumulates as you get them)
  • nice, no super drawbacks, used in Arcanum (I guess just the item part?)

Bad choice

  • put them in a log with other things

    • already did in previous game
    • not good because it gets mixed up with a lot of other information
    • you want to lose log
  • just show when you get it and then disappear

    • bad because hard to know what you get when idling
  • requirements

  • player to know that an item dropped the moment it dropped (which item is not important)

  • player to know that he has new items he hasn't checked

  • player to know what dropped while he was idle



  • new story of a child of Tupa trying to assassinate Isabel (to introduce both children of sahi and children of tupa)
  • story notes: king also had his body fucked up by the crystal, he did to get it's power, however, it is set in the castle to bring prosperity to the kingddom and he cannot move from there
  • Iracema appoints Isabel as the new elite of the royal guard, Victor is against it. The King too kinda. Which is why he tests her making her kill members of her own race.
  • Tayra, son of Guaraci => people 1
  • Children of Sahi => people 2
  • Lusitani => people 3


Chapter 2 notes

  • Isabel, Iracema, Victor head back, through a different way. Iracema tells Isabel that she isn't the king's real daughter, but instead his mistress. Victor intervenes, saying Iracema is "the half princess of hope", meant to unite the Lusitani and the Tayra. Iracema laughs, "I'm not even half-lusitani. I'm 100% Tayra"
  • Victor goes off to do something, leaving the girls alone. Iracema tells Isabel that if they become allies, she'll make sure to reward Isabel accordingly. THat she thinks differently from Marino. Isabel says that she wants to kill the king.
  • Iracema, Isabel and Victor talk small talk.
  • Isabel presents Iracema to the King. Iracema is really sweet towards the king.
  • Marino stops Isabel before he leaves the castle, saying he wants to talk to her at home. Isabel says she has to go somewhere beforehand and might be late.
  • Isabel summons the evil spirit Saci (needs arcania progress to summon Saci, maybe can summon him from Arcania and then trigger the story with him through there too, after seeing the story can advance in the story) and tells him to spy on Iracema
  • Isabel goes home. Marino welcomes her back. They talk. Isabel doesn't say much about Iracema's proposal but Marino still says Iracema is dangerous. Isabel says she is too tired to discuss and goes to bed.
  • FROM HERE: In her bed, Isabel thinks: "Less than six months. I can kill that king in less than six months. That would be my paradise. My ybymara eyma"
  • Isabel receives a letter from Iracema asking her and Marino to meet at the Caxambu waterfalls. They accept.
  • On the way Isabel tells Marino that she doesn't trust Iracema, but she is willing to use her. Marino says Isabel is being reckless and naive. Isabel says Marino is too cautious.
  • They fight many battles and then they arrive. Iracema says that Pedro the IV is immortal. Isabel says she knows. Because he has the crystal of Ice. Iracema then goes further ahead. They fight more battles
  • Iracema says she supposes Marino's plan is to have Tayra's leader use his crystal against Pedro to kill him. Iracema says that, instead, Isabel should steal the crystal and use it to kill the opponent, if she has the determination and courage. Iracema goes further ahead
  • A powerful monster appears, Marino says that Iracema plans to have them killed. Isabel asks that he is wrong, that she is testing her.
  • Marino can no longer advance because of a force field, Isabel goes meet Iracema by herself
  • Iracema says that Isabel is "the real thing". That she really might be able to kill Pedro and also fulfill Iracema's wish. Isabel asks Iracema what her wish is, she says it is not yet time she knows.
  • they all return home (after some battles in an area called 'way home'?), when she gets home, Saci tells her he heard Iracema and Pedro talk about manipulating Isabel for their wishes and that they plan to make Isabel "The Knight of 1" for her deeds. Pedro says she will have to prove her loyalty, Iracema leaves him to think of how. Pedro, when alone, then says the tests for Isabel to prove her loyalty will be really extreme. (END CHAPTER HERE?)

Chapter 3 notes

  • Chapter 3 notes
  • final boss of chapter 3 is one child of sahi who gets absorbed by Tau
  • Isabel finds out about a test of loyalty from saci but doesn't know what it is. She plans to prepare for it though. King lets her know of the party and that he will invite Sahi people. She then tells Saci to gather monsters to attack the town, create a distraction, make herself and her friends look like heroes and avoid whatever the King is planning. On the day of the party, though, after they defeat the monsters, the King tells Isabel that it was the children of Sahi who must have summoned the monsters and orders Isabel to kill them all. She struggles for a second but kills them for the mission, and takes their dead corpses to the king. The king says he wasn't expecting her to ACTUALLY bring the corpses.
  • EXTRA: SACI tells her the king is going to hire an assassin for the graduation day, as he heard from some soldiers. Isabel spends some time thinking about it. and on some other day she realizes that he plans to have the assassin attempt to kill the king and then he would blame her friends.
  • consider adding a cutscene in chapter 2 to introduce one of Isabel's sahi friends, to setup chapter 3
  • Isabel goes off to meet the king, he says he plans to promote her to Knight of One. He says it is the most loyal position to the king. He then says that she must spend the night in celebration for accepting and there will be a party in 7 days. She says it would be her pleasure.
  • At night, the king calls her to his bedroom. before she goes, she talks to Saci, Saci asks her if she's ok, she says she's fine. Saci says her body is shaking. She says the mind will surpass the body. That everything is for the sake of her goals.
  • The King takes of his robe to show off the crystal shard on his left chest. He says that this crystal gives him imense power and that usually such power would reduce a man's life. But he says that the real crystal is inside the castle and that he is one with the castle. He will never leave the castle but he will forever be immortal inside it. He tells her this means that he is the eternal king and that joining him is doing God's will, for God has chosen him to rule forever over Brasil. Isabel says she is touched that she is able to serve such a God. Pedro smiles at her and tells her to get ready for bed. She gets ready to leave, then he says she can sleep with him today.
  • The next day Isabel is told to go to a nearby village to invite people for her coronation ceremony. It is a village full of children of Sahi. She goes with Victor. (they should have some conversations along the way with Victor potentially being angry) and Iracema too, why not
  • Isabel and Victor make out at night. Victor wakes up with a headache, Isabel asks him if she is the cause, the laughs saying obviously it's not.
  • Isabel meets her old friends (it's not her hometown though, but her parents used to come visit as they were good friends) and invites them to the party
  • Isabel goes back to her home after reporting to the castle (summary cutscene).
  • Marino tells Isabel he understands she wanting to move fast, but that both Iracema and pedro should not be underestimated as they are dangerous people trying to use her. She says Marino is also trying to use her. He says he is sorry to drag her into his plans, but he also does it to fulfill Isabel's own goals. Isabel says she is sorry and that he shouldnt worry about her. That it is Pedro and Iracema that have to be careful with Isabel and that she has things under control.
  • Comes the day of the coronation party. Isabel tells Saci to go near one of her good friends and protect her if necessary, just in case
  • Isabel talks to everyone in the castle. She tells the good friend to go to Isabel's house and find a purple bag. The king tells her to kill all of them. Isabel says she must have misunderstood, he repeats he must kill them all. She asks him why. "Why must I give a reason?". He then asks if he has made a mistake in making her the Knight of One. She stops for a second and says she will do it. She then kills all of the children of Sahi present.
  • The king congratulates her. Asks Iracema if he sees what kind of wild monster she is. Iracema agrees she is disgusting, but that she is glad such a monster can serve the King. The King hen tells everyone except for the princess and Isabel to leave as he wishes to speak. He tells her she plans to have her steal the crystal. Isabel then says it would be best as a false visit for peace. Pedro then laughs and says that a child of Sahi could never be a missionary for peace, then iSabel suggests Iracema tags along.

Chapter 4

  • Character fights

  • Somewhere along the line Isabel gives Iracema and Victor something to bury in the middle of the city. He records a memory of it of it using Iara's magic ball

  • Character kills little boy to show that he can kill the son of the guard. He does this because he says that the Children of Sahi are proud people and they wouldn't hurt a child. He had to do this because the only other way to cross the gate would be by force, which would ruin the plan.

  • character wakes up and goes off to battle

  • Character thinks about chancellor and if he is doing a job - scene cuts off to chancellor telling the king he knows just the one to save the princess

  • he meets chancellor who says he the preparations are ready and the king is waiting for him

  • The king is impressed that the one to kill is MC. He explains everything to him. The caretaker of the princess says she will tag along.

  • MC and caretaker talk on the way, making their bad relationship clear.

  • Flashback with why caretaker is tagging along

  • Stronger monster is guarding the area, defeat the monster

  • princess says that man is dangerous and runs away with the caretaker

  • MC realizes princess can use magic and is puzzled

  • MC reaches the princess and asks why she is running away and why she can use magic, princess says she knows MC is the capturer. He says that he has no choice but to kill them. Princess tells him to make a deal. MC refuses and says he would rather fight her. Caretaker warns to kill herself if he doesn't comply.

  • The 3 of them go back to the castle, princess tells him that the plan is to kill the king. She doesn't reveal her past though.

  • The king thanks them. MC decides to train a bit more before continuing fighting.

  • The 3 of them get together to explain the plan, that the princess wants MC to get the sword of immortality that can kill the king. The chancellor disagrees, trully concerned about MC. Princess says MC should decide and leaves.

  • Princess and King talk, princess convinces King to let MC go after the crystal. Princess is pretending to want to help the king control the world.

  • King calls a secret conference to give MC the mission of getting the crystal in the name of justice and to avoid a war, (King just wants to take over the world). MC then suggests that instead of ilfitration, they should go under pretense of a friendly dinner, a mission of peace. MC suggests someone important from the castle go to. King suggests the princess go.

  • The 3 of them get together, chancellor is angry at the princess (who wanted to create a situation which forced MC to get the sword), princess is at angry at MC for dragging her into this since she knows MC wants to kill her. Princess explains they are going to go get the crystal, that they don't have to get the sword too, only if MC wants. Chancellor asks to talk to MC alone(or vice-versa). MC says it's fine, that he is going to kill the princess. Chancellor says that the whole thing is too dangerous and that he should refuse. MC disagrees and leaves with the princess.

  • before they leave, the caretaker is a bit worried

  • They travel to the country and thank the hospitality.

  • MC mocks the princess for being angry, asking if she thinks MC will kill her. MC tell her he is not sure if she kill her or not. Princess hints at the strength of the crystal.

  • MC and princess meet up the nearby lord of the monsters defeated by MC, princess uses her power to talk to him, telling that he can take over the castle and the whole city after they kill the king (maybe the princess will the monster lord the plan before the screen cuts off)

  • It is the last day, they thank the hospitality once again and at night, MC kills the king, everybody in the castle and steals the crystal, monsters come and they run away, the caretaker is confused but the princess explains to her what is going on

  • They head off to the cavern of the Mortality Sword, the princess is worried the monster may be too strong. Then they share their first kiss

  • MC gets the sword and they decide to head back.

  • Caretaker says she found a document some time ago about the parents of MC and she wants him to read it. He says he will do it later.

  • MC and the chancellor meet before giving the crystal to the king. MC explains that he plans to reset the world using the crystals. Chancellor is against it, MC asks for time to think.

  • MC goes deliver stuff to the king, then goes read the document. It does not show what is inside the document.

  • caretaker asks MC if he is okay after reading the document, MC says he is fine and asks for the caretaker's pendant

  • MC, a bit shaken, goes meet up the chancellor, gives him the pendant, explaining it explodes after 30 minutes, that he should activate it inside the army of the king

  • MC kills the king, which releases a phoenix

  • after the battle, princess asks him what they are going to do about the king's death. MC explains that he has given the chancellor the pendant to kill the army, saying he made up a lie about it taking 30 minutes. Princess says that the chancellor will die if he does that. MC stays silent and an explosion happens. They go check.

  • The chancellor is alive, MC tells him he knows about the fact that the chancellor was the one who convinced the king to kill his parents. The chancellor laments that his life as a human is over, and now he must live as a dragon. Yet he will not give up on making Lagrima a better place and leaves to get the third crystal

  • MC meets up with princess, says that she knew, that she was the one who made him find the document, to manipulate him. She agrees. She asks him if MC is angry at her. MC says she doesn't have any strength to be angry and just cries at her lap. MC says that she will recreate the world, no matter what happens. The princess just stays silent. MC thanks the princess and says she loves her. The princess says she loves her too.

  • They are heading for the third crystal but the princess seems to have something on her mind

  • MC gets ready to fight the chancellor, they have one last warm talk

  • princess begs MC to not reset the world, to make it into a better place. MC says that she wish she could. But that she had come far, and commited many sins for the plan. That she has to finish the plan. They fight. MC tells her not to worry. That the princess will be there inside his world, just without the suffering. The princess says that suffering is part of being alive and that she is glad MC gave her that will to live. And that she doesn't want to be in MC's new world. She respects her wish, and the princess walks as MC walks into the light to remake the world.

  • MC remakes the world

STEAM achievement in unity


  1. Player wants to meet their father, who is an illegal immigrant
  2. Player finds out they love killing monsters and goes on a journey to defeat a powerful monster, while getting stronger (very strong synergy with the gameplay).
  3. Player is hired to save the princess, but the kidnapping, the princess, the king, are not what they seem


3 fields:

  1. Base Stats
  2. Stats with equip
  3. Area information Area
  • FIRST VIEW: Cumulative level
  • SECOND VIEW: total stat increases, Level increased this round?


Attack Spells deal damage scaling on magic attack. If weak, damage is doubled. If resistant, damage is halved. Actors can have multiple weaknesses how to implement element of attacks? (LEANING TOWARDS STRING FOR SIMPLER ACCESS AND FLEXIBILITY) 1) use an int (will need to have information for elements that is both number and not number oriented, for elemental attack boosts and elemental defense stats, but then it will be simple to handle weakness and what else) 2) use an string (simpler access)


  • GOALS:
  • Different elemental weakness on enemies
  • Different characteristics on enemies (high defense, high speed, high attack, high mdef)
  • Bosses in Lagrima Continent
  • Fire Cavern 1, 2, 3: all enemies are fire elemental, enemy characteristics are random
  • Dog Fields: enemies elements are varied, enemy characteristics are of dog type (high speed)
  • same type of area does not repeat more than once (Fire Cavern & Fire Cavern II)
  • procedurally generate the base data with a random seed
  • two base elements (can be represented as one if you want by using %?)
  • have a repetition count for how many times the base elements were generated in high hierarchy (fire cavern VS fire cavern II)
  • have a repetition count for how many times the base elements were generate in a low hierarchy (fire cavern II 1, fire cavern II 2, etc), and how many low hierarchy elements there are in general (fire cavern II 2 of 4)


Get new experience with releasing a HAXE game on Steam. Having a game on Steam that you can use in various ways. Experience with upgrading the capsule image. Seeing how updating the screenshots changes the view of Steam users. Experience with integrating the Steam API in Haxe. Experience with getting wishlists through web game.


  • FF7 System (spell to scan)
  • Book 1 (buy individual enemy information)
  • Book 2 (buy stat information, can see that stat for every enemy)
  • book 3 (buy region information - get access to all stats of all enemies of a region)


  • Upgrading item costs money
  • Each upgrade increases attack by 1
  • Max upgrade level is 3
  • Reaching limit rewards with limit stone x n
  • need limit stone x n x 3 to limit break, which increases max level by 3
  • max limit level is 3
  • when at level 9 limit level 3, can do Ascension with a Crystal
  • unlock upgrades after soul crush level 1
  • unlock limit break after reach level 25 (soul crush level 1)
  • unlock ascension after level 45 (soul crush level 3, enable at soul crush level 2)


Have periodical amount of enemies that get stronger culminating in a boss fight for Lagrima. Enemy amount doesn't have to scale beyond a certain amount even though some scaling for lower levels would be nice, but later on quantities should stabilize. Enemies after a boss should be weaker. One possible idea is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, with '4' having most enemies. Then 2 4 6 8 12. Not necessarily like that but similar. I mean, not necessarily the boss having 4 levels higher but maybe having higher stat multiplers in a balance way? Has to figure it out and be careful balancing. Have advanced items which only drops in higher areas, at a lower probability (high DPS katanas which are much stronger than daggers but a bit slower, while also having some pierce damage, Gigas Blade which is the slowest weapon but has better DPS than normal items including daggers, worse than katanas though. And Hyperknife, which has the best DPS of all those. Furthermore, those items take more resources to upgrade AND the chance of one of them dropping as a magical item is also reduced) READ THIS WHILE DESIGNING:

A girl fights monsters to grow stronger And get new equipment. She does more than fight. She will explore, learn skills, and perform dark rituals for the pagan gods. Everything for more power. But she also needs to be wise. Quick and fast enemies can kill you fast, but if you focus on defense, they can't hurt you. A bastard sword is great against slow, armored foes. A dagger can deal a lot more damage to unprotected enemies. You have to choose the best equipment and the best skill for each situation. She is on a quest for revenge... This is an RPG. A Generic RPG Idle.