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Welcome to the HaxeRPGUtilities wiki!




  • New animations
  • Sound effects and music
  • Small quality-of-life improvements


  • New keyboard shortcuts
  • Tweaked unknown tab notifications
  • Fixed pumpkin enemy graphic for PC version
  • Small bug fixes --- THE SOUND OF ART UPDATE BETA 2 2023/01/28



  • Chapter 3

  • Offline progress (?)

  • Steam achievements


  • add a significant stat boost that is NOT permanent to challenge areas

  • ESC takes you to title screen? Or settings screen? Or opens a pause menu that also pauses the music. (Settings option for muting, pausing the game, etc)

next feature ideas

  • OLD

  • updated screenshots of the game

    • zoom in on the battle so it's easier to understand
    • zoom in on equipment choosing
    • story
    • zoom in on skill learning and unknown tab in general
    • zoomed out battle screen --- ??
  • Extra story and more skills

  • offline progress?

  • localization in Japanese or chinese (pick only one at first if possible)

  • auto - battle if not on battle tab? --- EA VR UPDATE 2 + sale

  • time boost button system ???

    • time boosting action
    • dot typedefs
    • read battle only in action
    • dot implementation
    • enforce battle-only dots (do not reduce duration if not battle)
    • implement cooldown
    • implement battle only actions
    • create icon for time accel in inkscape
    • support for actions to have icon
    • look up buffs in Arcanum
    • use a buff related system for speeding up time in general? (smart time up system doesn't feel that good... and a bit confusing for new players too)
  • tentative final content of the game

    • three chapters of story
    • chinese localization
    • japanese localization
    • visual effects
    • sound effects
    • redone Steam page
      • pay for artwork (Maybe don't and just focus on a new game?) --- OFFICIAL RELEASE


  • upgrade system needs preview of what increases when upgrading
  • warning on advance button that pressing it will trigger the story
  • offline progress
  • new 3 prize system?
  • event system?


  • talent should start at level 0, with practice unlocking at level 1

  • talent studying for wood sword, tree trunk, broad sword

  • form bonuses with different rarities WANT: roll system remake (see below) --- VERSION WEAPON TALENT (not sure when)

  • remake the roll system to be better (roll forms without comitting to them, also accumulate around 5 or so in a buffer, then choose the ones you want to learn and assign to the Sets. Have only one practice level instead of multiple per set. )




  • Fix: Can access region tab as soon as you enter Amazonia
  • Chapter 1 places don't have lore
  • Add a set label above the set buttons


  • scene where Isabel meets victor could get a rework
  • if you ohld enter while fighting challenge areas, it kinda skips the dialog for attribute permanent
    • buffer time where there is no input


  • high priority
  • UNITY: Steam cloud save
  • Steam cloud save
  • https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/ISteamRemoteStorage
  • remapable keyboard controls? (could be unnecessary)
  • no found bugs and usability issues
  • Medium priority
  • decent save system ?
    • save on tab transitions and dialog showings
  • remove limits to equipment (? maybe not... Maybe just a dialog?)
  • New official achievements for danger areas & normal areas
  • Content difference between demo and real game
  • save system configuration
  • save frequency
  • save opportunities
  • disable certain popups
  • low priority (no problem after early access)
  • broad sword increase defense
  • heavy sword increase Slash damage
  • Achievement bonus damage (as an irremovable invisible buff) or just add it as a stat in recalculate stats
  • character tab


  • it's a bit weird when the enemy dies (death animation...?)
  • hard to know which region you are browsing in (either animate the buttons or add the header on area buttons or both)
  • red thing on HP bar
  • effect when taking damage
  • battle speed up on damage zero (if no buffs)
  • battle speed up on successive turns
  • special achievements like: beating the wolf without receiving damage
  • Read bad reviews on Mevius and hero idle thingie
  • offline progress
  • super time speed up when launching from previous save?
  • Either automatically calculate it for the player or let the player use up that time freely
  • if automatically calculate it, always default to main area
  • A) Steam early access OR create goals to launch on Steam early access (wishlist goal?)
  • now that you have set support, you can add new content
  • after all the above, have areas you can only enter once in a while (by using some kind of ticket that drops randomly) to get advanced equipment (there is also story mode to code... so maybe areas once in a while won't make it for a while)


  • achievement images generation (procedurally on Python)
  • new image management system
    • change way to load images, to automatically generate image loading code using a script


  • add headers on region menu
  • make buttons selected in region menu
  • number information for skills
  • cursor image KH style that moves around


  • New animations

  • Sound effects and music

  • Small quality-of-life improvements --- THE SOUND OF ART UPDATE BETA 2023/01/14

  • New skills that cost HP

  • Deathblood: Attribute that increases damage once HP is low

  • star pumpkin: New challenge area boss

  • Tonberry and Reaper now give blood related attributes

  • small fixes --- 0.31 Bloody Halloween update 2022/10/25

  • Chapter 2 of Isabel complete

  • New animated graphics for hero

  • Backgrounds in battle

  • New graphics for enemies

  • Equipments have icons

  • Stats have icons

  • Redone battle UI

  • Redone equipment UI

  • Notifications on new equipment

  • Arcania has highlights on resources --- 0.3 Visions of Glory update 2022/10/10

  • new arcania content!

  • graphic effects

  • New battle exploration system

  • center battle UI and region UI

  • new capsule on Steam

  • game rebalance

  • removed XP cap

  • typo fixes: beserker, agressive

  • fixed selling icon bug

  • add full screen settings button --- VERSION 0.19 browser & steam 2022 / 06 / 29

  • Rebalanced soul crush (since balance changed so much I have reset progress on all challenge areas and permanent stat boosts. Affected player will get a 10 bonus to a new special stat called "Veteran")

  • Nerfed Noblesse

  • UI updated for easier to read text

  • Double resolution support for big screens (around 1920x1080)


    • mystic elf bug
    • mouse bugs --- VERSION 0.17 browser & steam ???
  • keyboard support for village

  • showing hover of equipping information when hovering over it

  • remove monster stat info when hovering over region buttons

  • fix fake "buttons" issue, like the logo having a square thingy

  • region buttons and area buttons look confusing and part of the same thing (right side tabs...?! :O :O)

  • show HP on every screen (mock this up and think about it). Can also show if currently fighting or if resting, etc. Can also show MP.

  • highlight advance button (some players are getting stuck, maybe even make it a main action)

  • UI for current action --- VERSION 0.16 ????

  • New Unknown tab bringing some brand new resource management incremental stuff --- VERSION 0.15 2022/ 06 / 16

  • still selling broad sword for tree trunk wtf man write a test for that and fix it

  • auto repeat toggle --- VERSION 0.14 2022 / 06 / 01

  • equipment filters

  • small polish changes

  • fix problems with selling equipment and broken saves

  • there is a problem when doing preview on equipment tab, it shows weapons for example while showing armor filter

  • move hover further right

  • increase size of label upgrade sell since limit break kinda goes into number

  • change naming of item to stop +++++ madness

  • save import on Steam --- VERSION 0.13 GIT 05/19 (?)

  • Counter attack challenge area

  • Intense Mod => attack up speed down

  • Counter attack weapon

  • Dense Mod => defense up speed down

  • Calm Mod => defense up attack down

  • Magic weapon (less focus on normal attacks and more focus on skill attacks, MP buffing etc)

  • Weak only to magic bosses (one for each element with slightly different mechanics)

  • Revamp region unlock system so that each region has it's own managed lock, so you can change the unlock order

  • flan attack be magical attack - AND ELEMENTAL

  • Mystic Elf be super strong against magic

  • Remix unlock order of region

  • Speed at cost of attack mods

  • Attack at cost of speed mods

  • healing numbers

  • blood numbers

  • create system for mods to have level range when dropping

  • make certain mods not drop until certain levels

  • create system for item types to have level ranges

  • create initial item types separated from normal items

  • fix: selling bunch of equipments does not reset the scroll stuff

  • Treetrunk has +-15 for speed...

  • road of amazonia come first (only in the list)

  • fix: MC miniature on turn order is wrong in amazonia

  • fix situation of achievements not saving

  • What is being cursored when playing with the keyboard isn't that clear (maybe put a bigger frame on top of the button...?) Like a blue rect thingy

  • description of various areas and regions --- VERSION 0.11 BROWSER & STEAM 05/12 (?)

  • Amazonia road chapter 1

  • new mystic elf challenge area enemy

  • make every set start with that specific skill set

  • remove hover on mouse triggering equip tab change, but keep on keyboard

  • sets not available from the beginning

  • fix: button reminders visibile even if button is disabled

  • adamanstoise name getting cut off --- VERSION 0.10 BROWSER 05/05

  • damage numbers

  • XP get visualization

  • hover MP & HP

  • simple attack animations

  • fix: using keyboard while something is cursored on mouse resulting in annoying behavior

  • Steam: gamepad support & save fixes & small QOL

  • Dropped equipment color adjustment --- VERSION 0.09R BROWSER & STEAM

  • feedback separated from review (same UI, different tabs)

  • keyboard prompts

  • Touch screen support

  • street enemies number adjustment

  • Locked skill hover message going over the box

  • loot list label

  • tweaked graphics

  • hovered tweaks --- VERSION 0.08R STEAM BETA

  • feedback system in Unity with review

  • after initial cutscene, title & battle tab only

  • keyboard support for popups

  • popup at region unlock --- VERSION 0.07R BROWSER

  • fix soul crush delayed bug

  • fix 'hold keyboard skip area bug'

  • reset button confirmation

  • always allow napping

  • no mouse wheel in unity

  • fix mouse problems in Unity (no dragging?)

  • investigate feedback system


  • keyboard support
  • bad gray text contrast
  • skills from letter to number
  • tweak reaper
  • move git release to gri_phaser
  • setup steam beta configuration

--- VERSION RE0.05 release

  • button icons image white even when disabled
    • (and also, they are white lol should be like the mockup)
  • reorganize button priority in title screen
  • enemy name on region menu
  • item level in 0.04 - remove item variance
  • automation button for area advance

--- VERSION RE0.04 release

  • version name visible
  • rethink disabled color in buttons
  • make every battle start with player turn if player has higher speed. If not, count is zero for both.
  • First achievements based on globals system --- VERSION RE0.03 release


  • story functional


  • Battle, equipment, region, title tabs functional


  • there should be something saying you have 'Empty' when you have no weapns lol
  • hard to understand what the equipped buttons are
    • something should say it is 'equipment slots' for the equipped things
    • maybe have type of slot above slot?
  • equipment tab comes up but it's a bit easy to miss
  • way too many stats and things to think about
  • first weapon I got was a bastard sword which has 4 stats, which is confusing

polish / optional

  • show skills on equip screen left portion
  • hover on skills in equip screen
  • move level up, soul crush, sleep to small buttons and whatever else
    • change sleep to peace button? or pause button? or just really make it usable whenever you want
      • if it is usable when dead, make it so dead recovery overwrites resting recovery?
  • Show player equipment when hovering during battle



Prototype 0.01 (21/08/25)

  • Advances on keyboard
  • Will always fight against the same opponent
  • When die, goes to not fighting state with full health

Battle System

Has only attack and life. Player attacks, then enemy attacks. Things advance through button presses. One button ends the game.

0.02A (21/09/09)

UI, delta timing

0.02B (21/09/10)

Leveling up


Different areas with stronger enemies


Keeps track of how many enemies you killed in each area Unlock areas after killing X enemies

0.02D (21/10/03)

Persistence of level and areas unlocked

0.02D2 (21/10/11)


  • Button to level up instead of just leveling up
  • game is really hard to understand take a look at similar games for inspiration on timing, necessary interactions, etc
  • enemy spawn time - no enemy when changing areas, takes a while for them to appear. Also some time between enemies


Playable page


Has sword. Can equip and un-equip. Attack stat grows higher


Enemies drop swords somewhat randomly


Some swords can increase max life


Save back up system in desktop through node (backup save whenever test, one for each version)


System to run tests through some tests in all backed up save data


Persistence of equipment


Analytics and consent



0.03F (21/10/22)

Playable page


Has armor. Can equip and un-equip. Life grows higher.


Enemies drop armors and they can also increase attack power sometimes



0.04D 21/10/22

Playable page


Redesign system to use Speed (design + implementation)


Redesign system to use defense and magic defense

0.05C 21/10/23

Equipment increase defense, magic defense and speed

Changed how I write the versions. Now it's the feature list, followed by the version name

This makes it easier to manage the tasks

  • start cutscene from menu
  • Polish
  • Release


  • unlock cutscenes by advancing max battle area


  • Polished story features
  • Sequential game introduction of features for kinder gameplay lol


Face graphics for conversations

0.06D - 21/11/03

  • Expand battle area system to have area selector menu to the left (click to select)
  • have array for enemy generation
  • Create typedef for enemy generation sheet
  • Create method to feed enemy generation sheets
  • if area does not have generation sheet, do default generation
  • if has sheet, generate 10 to 10 levels of that enemy
  • create one sheet and test it
  • add all sheets
  • add balanceable reward to area completition
  • Permanent stat upgrades to new areas

0.07A - 2021/11/08

  • design the prestige system (increase MAX level, increase XP rate, keep stat bonuses from the boss regions, need to be at five levels below max level to trigger a prestige, lose all equipment except for amulet, get a new amulet) Add prestige mechanics

0.07B - 2021/11/10

  • Make equip tab full window or larger
  • make left padding across tabs consistent
  • separate logs
  • help development tab
  • analytics for regions as necessary

0.07C - 2021/11/14

  • fix Soul Crush (I think it's bugs when you soul crush without equipment)
  • define data structure for item generation
  • manually create item drop database
  • three different armor types and the normal sword
  • enemies drop armor of one of the types


  • Attribute percent support in equipment
  • Great Sword (Speed -%, higher attack)

0.08B 2021/11/16

  • Mod system
  • Rarity System
  • Preffix view system
  • rebalance

0.08C 2021/11/17

  • Data for cure spell
  • forcefully add cure spell to hero
  • cure spell execution
  • button for cure spell


  • Data for fire enchant
  • Functional spells
  • Functional MP system

0.09A - 11/23

  • Add slash with 10 MP cost and a flat damage bonus of 5, but attack influence of 50%
  • Add heal with 15 MP cost, flat heal of 15
  • make slash and heal the initial spells
  • find out why 'unlocks at bla' message not showing for items


  • Add haste spell to database
  • Add shield spell to database
  • add them to game as late level slot unlocks for now

0.09C - 11/23

  • Add equipable jobs with randomly generated skill slots that do not repeat


0.09D2 polish and release

  • new crystal cannon boss (low HP, high attack, high speed)


-Add levels to skill slots, with max level of 3, and level 3 only dropping after enemy level 30


  • Add piercer spell
  • Add debuff attack and debuff defense spell
  • Add boss that can remove buffs from player
  • Add boss that can remove debuffs from self


  • add boss that can buff self
  • add skill that can remove boss buffs


  • test all 0.10 features by hand
  • clean up empty squares in beginning of game
  • entry form fix
  • Consider rewriting first cutscene to have more information while keeping dialog amount (what, who, where, why, )
  • think of some information to hide after first cutscene
  • possibly move some information to equip screen
  • make text empty in story button after cutscene
  • consider making next area and restart area empty buttons when disabled too
  • have an option for attention in action API for player
  • make next area button have attention after area is unlocked, but take out attention as soon as you change areas. Put attention back whenever you enter a area where the next area has not been cleared yet.
  • enforce attention in button view

0.10E QOL and problems - 21/12/05

0.11 - Blood and Noble 21/12/06

0.12 - currency / upgrade system

0.13 - equipment sets

  • attack spells
  • elemental weakness X2.5 damage

0.14 - elements and intelligence

  • First boss is too strong
  • Variety feels nice, a bit hard to notice next battle is a boss (maybe 'next area (boss)' wouuld be best)
  • MP punishment when changing equipment really sucks Check discord for the problem Is the "Blood" on weapon supposte to drop to 0 after soul crush? I limit broke the weapon a couple of times before soul crush and blood didnt go a single point up, doesnt that mean that that weapon is now basically useless and i have to find a new one?
    • don't make soul crush affect blood in equipment

0.15A - Fix prestige problems & release - 12/25/2021

Region menu Bosses HP bonus Change graphics


Player menu

0.17 - 12/28/2021

Revamp buff system to have hover Hover on skills Hover on stats

0.18 - Hover system overhaul 12/29/2021

  • unlock condition for character tab
  • unlock condition for region tab
  • header on region permanent upgrades
  • add which equips you have to the set

0.18B small improvements 12/30/2021

0.18C Popup when you unlock an region 12/30/2021

  • investigate graphical change on player normal view
  • see if you can do it through styles

0.18D - graphic change on hovered elements 12/30/2021

  • story should just play itself
  • investigate appear animation for first buttons

0.18E - story auto play & animation 12/30/2021

0.19A turn order 12/31/2021

0.19 Battle Screen animations, overall UI look

  • do a quick clean up on the cutscenes (adding the shortest possible paragraph situating the scene)
  • Cid described as red haired man
  • boss images

0.20 - fix up 2022/09/01

  • take 5 screenshots of the game
  • Setup steam page images

- Setup Steam page 2022/01/13

  • fix equipment screen to have pages
  • equipment load time problem: divide by pages? limit amount?
    • lower drop rate but have fixed drops once you complete a stage?

0.21 - fix equipment with pages

0.22 - max number of equipments per equipment type 2022/01/13

0.23 - revamp soul crush 2022/02/04

  • gets blood too early

0.23 - make some magic item mods only come later in the game

0.24 - New equipment for magic and mods for elemental damage buffs, magic damage buff, etc

0.25 - New boss related to magic defense

0. Polish and extras

  • DISCUSSION: Skoll Lorc Delapouite credits if add icon

  • auto advancing? (not sure on this one)

0.xx Features that can enter in any version

Prototype 1.0 Initial Idea (OUTDATED)

Stat System

Attack, Defense, Speed, Magic (Magic would be magic defense, but some equipment can add magic to attack), Life, Max Life

After accumulating enough XP, level up and gain a fixed bonus to every stat.

Equipment System

Enemies drop equipment. Can equip stuff. Starts with only swords and armors.

Raw bonuses to stat

+2 attack, -5 speed

Percent-based bonuses to stat

+3% to attack

Percent-based bonuses to battle formulas

+3% to damage dealt, +5% damage received

Change damage formula

Ignore defense, add speed to attack, add magic to attack, add magic to defense, add defense to magic defense

Critical Hit Mechanic

+3% to critical chance, +3% to critical damage, +3 to critical damage, +speed to critical

Battle system

There are areas. Areas have different enemy types (enemies usually get at least a little bit stronger but they are also of different types, like high defense low hp, high attack and high speed but low HP and defense. Some areas give more money, others more XP. Areas are procedurally generated.




Priotize XP Priotize getting to the next area Prioritize money