Coding Guidelines - PichapopRo/project-pantry GitHub Wiki
Naming Convention
- Using Pascal case in Class naming.
- Using Kebab case in branch naming.
- Using Snake case in Variable and function naming.
# Using Snake case
api_key = 'fake API KEY'
def strip_html(html_formatt):
# Using Pascal case
class GetData:
def __init__(data): = data
Run Flake8 and Flake8-docstring
- We will use GitHub workflow to keep up the code quality
- We have a flake8 configuration file
Using sphinx style docstrings
def some_function(text:str) -> str:
Description of the function. (The next line must be left blank.)
:param text: Description of the parameter text.
:return: Description of the return data.
Run the tests by PyTest and UnitTest
- Tested by using GitHub Workflow
- Code coverage must be >= 80%
- Tested by using GitHub Workflow
Test directory
|- tests/
- The test must be in a separate file for each class
Additional Guidelines
- Each function must have <= 100 lines.
- No useless commented code.
- The function must only do 1 thing at a time (which is what the name or docstring suggests).