Intro: What is the MMFW? - PiZZAD0X/MMFW GitHub Wiki

What is the Mission Maker Framework?

The Mission Maker Framework (MMFW) is an addon meant to facilitate mission building in ArmA 3. It is built with 3DEN settings, modules, and unit attributes that work in tandem to provide systems such as an Area of Operations limit that stops players from leaving an area, a briefing editor, and configurable end conditions to trigger mission completion/failure. All of these features are configured through the 3DEN editor and do not require extensive scripting knowledge.

Benefits of using the MMFW compared to a script framework

  • Mission size; having an addon store mission scripts frees up space inside your mission for object placement, images, etc
  • Update and fix modules without the need to manually update a mission; If a component/system in MMFW has a bug or develops an enhancement, this maintenance can be provided to the users without having to edit the mission directly, the new system will simply use the mission system settings already present in the mission.
  • Uniformity; having missions use the same system scripts provides a familiar experience for the players and mission makers
  • Ease of use for mission creation; the MMFW is designed to require very little knowledge about the ArmA scripting language.

Requirements to use the MMFW

  • CBA
  • ACE 3
  • MMFW addon loaded on both the server and clients (optional components require specific mods, ie ACRE 2 for the MMFW Acre component)