Contributing: Getting Started - PiZZAD0X/MMFW GitHub Wiki

Development Environment

The MMFW is built with the ace/cba addon format, which allows for filepatching/recompiling of functions and hemtt building tools. Please refer to the ACE 3 development environment setup on the basics of setting up the language tools in your IME and your P drive set up through your ArmA 3 tools. Once this is set you can add junctions with mklink /J "[Arma 3 installation folder]\z\mmfw" "[location of the MMFW project]" and mklink /J "P:\z\mmfw" "[location of the MMFW project]"

If you are using Atom, you can get the ACE 3 ArmA Language package and use the build dev tool to pack a filepatching/recompiling functions version of the MMFW for testing and live function editing.

Building a Release

The MMFW is set up with a .JSON file for building in Hemtt, which you can utilize by running hemtt build --release in the project's main directory. Release version and info is gathered from the main component and optional addons are built into separate mod folders for upload/sharing.

Scripting Standards

Please refer to ACE 3 Coding Guidelines