AFP File Sharing - PiSCSI/piscsi GitHub Wiki

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AFP is Apple's legacy file sharing protocol, originally standing for AppleTalk Filing Protocol. This is what classic Mac OS as well as earlier versions of Mac OS X (until 10.8) uses for file sharing. The PiSCSI Project distributes an open source implementation of an AFP server called Netatalk to set up a file sharing server running in parallel with PiSCSI on a Raspberry Pi.

The PiSCSI Web Interface has integration with Netatalk built into the UI, allowing you to easily see the status of the AFP service running on your Pi, as well as downloading files directly onto the shared directory to make them instantly accessible to Macs that have mounted the AppleShare file system. (We have options for SMB and FTP as well.)

Note: The AppleTalk/DDP protocol is known to work poorly over a wifi AP, unless you're using an Apple branded wifi router or one that explicitly supports it.


Note: The following process has been automated through the script. If you don't want to use the script, follow the manual steps below.

When configuring atalkd: If you are also running the DaynaPORT Ethernet adapter emulation in parallel with Netatalk, you may have to configure atalkd.conf to use the piscsi_bridge network interface for Netatalk. This is mandatory if you're using NAT over the wlan interface.

AppleTalk Support in Kernel

Using Netatalk

Print Server


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