2. VBridger Base Version - PiPuProductions/VBridger-Documentation GitHub Wiki

UI Layout

The app is separated into sections. image

A. Inputs

B .Bridgit Preview

C. Outputs

D. Connections

The Editor DLC is largely the same layout, but moves the face to the top left panel to make room for the equation editor in the middle. image

The UI can be adjusted by clicking the grey bars between panels and dragging ResizeUI

A. Input Panel


The Input Panel is separated in two parts.
The bottom shows the values for different input parameters. Clicking one will select it for editing it's Input Curve.
The top is where you can edit the Input Curve either by selecting a preset or creating your own shape.

Input curves effect the data before it reaches the parameters, allowing you to tune the inputs. For example, inputs come in at a value of 0-1. Every face tracks differently, so you might not hit a full 1 value on a given input. By using curves, you can make your face reach the full intended value for expressions.


EyeWide_L and EyeWide_R often don't reach their full values. By sliding the top of the curve to the left until the input reaches a full 1 while we are making the expression, we can see that Bridgit's expression becomes more exaggerated on the right. We can then copy this curve to the other eye by right clicking on a point of the curve and selecting "Copy", then right clicking a point on the other curve and clicking "Paste".

The Curve's X Axis is the input value, and the Y axis is what you want to turn the input value into. By moving the top of the curve to the left, we are telling VBridger to take the input value of .6 and to turn that into 1 instead. Curves can be reset by selecting the first preset or by going into the Settings and selected "Reset Input Curves" Input curves will stay the same regardless of what file is loaded until you reset them in the Settings.

B. Standard Middle Panel


Hit Save to save changes. In the base version of VBridger, this saves your output modifiers and output curves.
Hit Load to load load a specific settings file.
Bridgit will move along with all input values from facial tracking.

C. Output Panel


The upper part shows a list of all output parameters in the loaded VBridger file. Click to select one.\ The lower part provides modifiers and the curve settings for the selected parameter.\

When a modifier is is enabled, the parameter list displays an icon associated with that modifier.


Please see Section E. Modifiers for more details on Modifiers and their uses.

D. Connections

On the lower left, you are able to manage where you receive data from. Right now this supports multiple ARKit apps from both Iphone as well as PC. For iPhone there is Vtube Studio, Facemotion3D, and ifacialmocap. For webcam, you can use Mediapipe or the NVidia face tracking plugin. You must download the NVidia webcam DLC for VTS in order to use NVidia Tracking.



Calibration options are different per Tracking type, it's essential to recalibrate when switching tracking sources and to consider that each app has it's own calibration. VBridger calibration will simply add to the Blendshape inputs to make them equal 0 by default.



Pairs with the iFacialMocap app on iPhone.


Pairs with the FaceMotion3D app on iPhone.


Pairs with MeowFace on android.


Pairs with the VTubeStudio app on iPhone. This is generally the best app on iPhone for long term performance/price and has other benefits, such as the on screen buttons to trigger expressions and animations. Note: You must enable third party connections on the first settings page of VTubeStudio.

NVidia Tracking

Note : Must have VTubeStudio NVidia Webcam DLC as well. (It's free!)

This tracking method works with Webcams. It is less accurate than iPhone tracking but doesn't require an iPhone.

MediaPipe Tracking

This tracking method works with Webcams. It is less accurate than iPhone tracking but doesn't require an iPhone.

On the lower right of VBridger you'll find options for where to send your VBridger outputs. This currently includes Vtube Studio as well as VMC protocol. VMC protocol can be sent to any app that uses Virtual Motion Capture, and as long as the names of your outputs match blendshape clips on the VRM or bone names, you'll be able to use VBridger to control your model.

This includes Vnyan, Warudo, OBSKUR, Vseeface, and more. If your app supports VMC, VBridger can send data to it.

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E. Modifiers

The modifiers happen in the order in which they are listed. For example, if you have both smoothing and steps enabled, the smoothing happens before the step effect takes place.


Delay staggers the parameter by a certain number of milliseconds.

Delay is fairly simple, it delays the output by a set value (in ms). For example, a delay of 1000 would delay the output value by one second.


Smoothing is a basic Lerp smoothing between the current and new value. JitterSmooth
It's less aggressive than the difference between 0 and 1 smoothing in Vtube studio allowing for a more subtle smooth. Smoothing helps to reduce jitter


Steps are for emulating frame-by-frame animation. This modifier works best on models utilizing flip-book style animation, but it can be used on regular models as well.

Stepped Regular model with stepped ARKit

Stepped PNGtuber template provided with these settings, uses both tracking and Audio based visemes.

Steps lock a parameter to a specific value, at a specific trigger for a minimum hold time.

The Trigger is the value of the parameter at which the step triggers.
The Target is the outputted value that the parameter becomes when triggered.
The Hold Time is a minimum period of time that the parameter will stay after being triggered.
The Threshold is the value that it will drop back down

It is important to know that unless specified otherwise, the minimum and maximum of the parameters range have implied steps at their respective values.
In the example above, assume the parameter has a range of 0 to 1.
The Trigger of the first Step above is 0.3. When the parameter value is below 0.3, the outputted value remains at 0.
Once the parameter rises to 0.3, the output becomes the Target value, in this case 0.4.
It has no minimum hold time so it can immediately rise or fall as the parameter changes. The Threshold for the first Step is 0.1, therefore if the parameter were to fall below 0.3 by 0.1, it would move back down to the next step, 0 in this case.
If instead it were to rise to the Trigger of the next Step, 0.6, the output value instead becomes, the second Step's Target, 1.
The second Step has a hold Time of 100 ms and cannot change during this period of time.
In this example, the second Step hits the maximum value of the range, 1, so cannot go any further up. But it may move down after it's Threshold is hit, once the hold time is passed.



Face Loss Delay

Changes how long VBridger waits before sending "Face lost" data to VTS.

Phone Port Setting

Apps use these ports by default, but if you change the port in the app, you need to change the corresponding port number in VBridger as well.

Input Curve Settings

Revert Input Curves

Resets the input curves to the state they were in when you opened the app.

Import Input Curves

Allows you to import input curves.

Export Input Curves

Saves an external curves file.

Reset Input Curves

Completely resets the input curves back to default.

Mic Settings

In order for Audio parameters to work, the mic must be set correctly.

Camera Settings

For webcam tracking, set which camera you wish to use and the resolution.

Locate VTS

For NVidia Tracking, locate your VTS folder. Since VBridger relies on the free VTS DLC, NVidia won't work unless you set this.

Reset Calibration

Resets VBridger calibration options.

Close Settings

Closes this page and returns to the app.