Argument Handling - PiJoules/mypyc GitHub Wiki


Arguments are either positional or keyword arguments. Functions are able to accept a finite of positional/keyword args unless they choose to add *args and **kwargs to the function definition. In this case, they can take an unlimited amount of positional or keyword args that are available to the function as a tuple of args and a dict respectively. Extra positional args are given in the tuple and extra keyword args are given in the dict.

To alleviate variable positional arguments, all function calls will end with an object that indicates the end of an argument if it accepts variable arguments. For this, a check will need to be done to see if the function takes variable arguments.

Only Positional

def func(arg1, arg2):
func(1, 2)

compiles to

void func(int arg1, int arg2){}
func(1, 2)

Only Keyword

def func(arg1=1, arg2=2):

compiles to

#define func(...) func_unpack((struct func_kwargs){.arg1=1, .arg2=2, __VA_ARGS__})
void func_unpack(struct func_kwargs kwargs){
    return func_base(kwargs.arg1, kwargs.arg2);
void func_base(int arg1, int arg2){}


def func(arg1, arg2, arg3=1, arg4=2):
func(val1, val2, arg4=4)

compiles to

#define func(arg1, arg2, ...) func_unpack(arg1, arg2, (struct func_kwargs){.arg3=1, .arg4=2, __VA_ARGS__})
void func_unpack(int arg1, int arg2, struct kwargs kwargs){
    return func_base(arg1, arg2, kwargs.arg3, kwargs.arg4);
void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4){}
func(val1, val2, .arg4=4)

Extra Positional (Variable Args)

Since starred arguments can be mixed with variable arguments passed to a function call, all positional arguments will need to be packed into a tuple, then unpacked into the actual arguments.

The VAR_ARGS_START is inserted at the position where the positional and keyword arguments end. This can be determined in the ast. The VAR_ARGS_END is placed at the end of the funciton call. The VAR_ARGS_START is required in case the function has no other positional arguments and only contains variable arguments.

def func(arg1, arg2, *args):
    # Able to access args as a tuple
func(1, 2, 3, 4)

compiles to

// Compiler library function
tuple_t* new_tuple_from_va_list(va_list args){
    // Creates a tuple of objects up until VAR_ARGS_END is found
    object_t* obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);
    list_t* lst = empty_list();
    while (obj != VAR_ARGS_END){
        if (obj == starred){
        else {
        obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);
    return new_tuple(lst);

void func(va_start_t* args_start, ...){
    # Create tuple from va_list
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, args_start);
    tuple_t* tup_args = new_tuple_from_va_list(args);
    return func_base(tup_args.get(0), tup_args.get(1), tup_args.slice(2));
void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, tuple_t* args){}
func(VAR_ARGS_START, 1, 2, 3, 4, VAR_ARGS_END)

Starred Args

Will need to check on the python ast for the version since the call args change between 3.4 and 3.5. Check greensnakes for the documentation for the function Call node.

def func(arg1, arg2, *args):
    # Able to access args as a tuple
func(1, 2, 3, 4, *(5, 6, 7))

compiles to

void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, tuple_t* args){}
func(VAR_ARGS_START, 1, 2, 3, 4, starred(new_tuple(VAR_ARGS_START, 5, 6, 7, VAR_ARGS_END)), VAR_ARGS_END)
func(*(1, 2, 3))

compiles to

void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, tuple_t* args){}
func(VAR_ARGS_START, starred(1, 2, 3), VAR_ARGS_END)

Extra Keyword

The kwargs will need to be packed into a dictionary if variable keyword arguments are accepted in the function

def func(arg1=1, arg2=2, **kwargs):
    # Able to access kwargs as a dict
func(arg4=10, arg2=3)  # Order does not matter for keyword args

compiles to

// Compiler library function
dict_t* new_dict_from_va_list(va_list args){
    // Creates a dict of objects up until VAR_ARGS_END is found
    object_t* obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);
    dict_t* d = empty_dict();
    while (obj != VAR_ARGS_END){
        if (obj == double_starred){
            d->merge_inplace(d, obj);
        else {
            dict_item_t* item = (dict_item_t*)obj;
            d->insert(d, item->key, item->value);
        obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);
    return d;

#define DICT_ITEM(key, val) new_dict_item(key, val)
void func(va_start_t* args_start, ...){
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, args_start);
    dict_t* d_passed = new_dict_from_va_list(args);
    // default_args is a dictionary made beforehand that contains the default values of the args
    dict_t* d = default_args->merge(default_args, d_passed);
    return func_base(d.pop("arg1"), d.pop("arg2"), d);
void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, dict_t* kwargs){}
func(VAR_ARGS_START, DICT_ITEM("arg4", 10), DICT_ITEM("arg2", 3), VAR_ARGS_END);

All Arg Types

def func(arg1, arg2, arg3=1, arg4=2, *args, **kwargs):
func(1, 2, arg3=3, arg4=4, *(1, 2, 3), **{"arg5": 5, "arg6": 6})

compiles to

// Wrapper for variable argument signs starting with VAR_ARGS_START and VAR_ARGS_END
#define DICT_ITEM(key, val) new_dict_item(key, val)
// pack_args wraps the container in a special class for holding packed variable positional args
// pack_kwargs wraps the dictionary in a special class for holding packed variable keyword args
void func(va_start_t* start, ...){
    va_list args_list;
    va_start(args_list, start);

    // default_kwargs is a dictionary created beforehand that contains the default argument values
    list_t* temp_lst = empty_list();
    dict_t* kwargs = empty_dict();
    object_t* obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);
    while (obj != VAR_ARGS_END){
        if (isinstance(obj, packed_args)){
            temp_lst->merge_inplace(temp_lst, ((packed_args_t*)obj)->container);
        else if (isinstance(obj, packed_kwargs)){
            kwargs->extend(kwargs, ((packed_kwargs_t*)obj)->container);
        else if (isinstance(obj, dict_item)){
            dict_item_t* item = (dict_item_t*)obj;
            d->insert(d, item->key, item->value);
        else {
            // Positional argument
            temp_lst->append(temp_lst, obj);
        obj = va_arg(args, object_t*);


    // The pop methods removes the element at the index specified by the first argument
    // and returns the second argument if the index is not in the container.
    tuple_t* args = tuple(temp_lst);
    return func_base(args.pop(0), args.pop(1),
        kwargs.pop("arg3", args.pop(2, 1)),
        kwargs.pop("arg4", args.pop(3, 2)),
        args, kwargs
void func_base(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, tuple_t* args, dict_t* kwargs){}
func(VAR_ARGS(1, 2, DICT_ITEM("arg3", 3), DICT_ITEM("arg4", 4), pack_args(new_tuple(VAR_ARGS(1, 2, 3))), pack_kwargs(new_dict(VAR_ARGS(DICT_ITEM("arg5", 5), DICT_ITEM("arg6", 6))))))


Function definitions influence the formatting of function calls and not the other way around. If the function accepts no variable arguments (no *args or **kwargs), then the function definition and calls will be in the format specified for both. Otherwise, one of the formats for extra positional, keyword, or both arguments will be used depending on if the function accepts either.

Alternate Argument Handling

Since functions are also objects, python functions should be represented as objects/structs in c space. To call python objects/functions in c space, there will be a hidden attribute in the struct (exec) that represents what would run if the python function was called. A macro (CALL) will act as a wrapper that calls this attribute.

Classes will have an exec attribute and also act as classes when checking for instances.