Set up your development environment - Phyks/konnectors GitHub Wiki


Can't wait to have your data automatically stored in your tools? You're in the right place! We are going to help you writing your own data connector. Before starting to write it, you need a proper development environment that requires the following elements:

Node.js 4

To install Node.js 4.x, it's recommended to use your distribution package. If that's not the case, you can find it in the download section of the official website:

On Linux, if not using your distribution package, the simplest solution is to download the sources and compile them:

tar -xvzf node-v4.4.2.tar.gz
cd node-v4.4.2
sudo make install

To check that Node.js is properly installed, type the following commands:

node -v
npm -v

The output should be node 4.x and npm 2.x.

Coffeescript runtime

Coffeescript runtime will allow you to run the dev tools that will help you in making your connector.

For that simply install it with your distribution packages or the following command:

npm install coffee-script -g


The easiest way to test and run your konnectors is to use the cozy development environment.

Once you have your development VM up and running, you can proceed. Remember to start again the VM (cozy-dev vm:start before coming back to work on Konnectors).

Konnectors Source

Now get the Konnectors source (it's recommended that you fork the repo first and clone your fork):

git clone

Once you have the sources, install the dependencies:

cd konnectors
npm install

You're now ready to [write your first konnector](Write your first connector)!