Tutorials - PhpGt/WebEngine GitHub Wiki

The tutorials in this section follow the development of WebEngine applications from start to finish. The first Hello, World! tutorial goes into more detail of how to set up an application from scratch, but all other tutorials guide you on building applications in full, with no assumed knowledge.

  • Hello, World! - an in-depth overview of how to set up WebEngine applications in different ways, this tutorial builds the most bare-bones application possible.
  • Hello, you! - an introduction to working with user input and binding data to the document. Add a form to the Hello, World! project so it can greet you by name instead.
  • To-do list - use an SQL database to store the contents of a basic to-do list application, using SCSS to add style and animations to the user interface.
  • Address book - another simple database-driven application, but this tutorial goes into detail on how to make the project production ready. The end product is a multi-user address book application, which is fully tested with unit tests and behavioural integration tests.